Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Virulent Beth's Rogues' Gallery

Howard Stern's mother-in-law and her sisters took over Flor-a-Lago and are enjoying all the amenities that any hostel would have as Howard interviewed audio-only Beth once again on Beth Tuesday and talked about Beth's mom and her two aunts being in residence and Beth having to feed the herd to quiet them.

This is the second installment of Howard's new SiriusXM satellite radio show series featuring his wife Beth Ostrosky Stern's rogues gallery of family members. The first installment was yesterday, April 8, 2024, so check that out for further context.

But, Howard now needs more filler for his stale satellite radio show because his house pet Ralph Cirella suffered an untimely death during a purported routine surgery where the guy somehow didn't make it but Howard managed to say goodbye pre-surgery so figure that out, as if he already knew the guy would be gone. Now Howard has a running stale Beth bit where she buys clothes for Howard as if it's somehow humorous but anything with deadpan Beth lays a giant egg especially the giant egg she laid in Pittsburgh almost 30 years ago that Howard denies paternity.

Levine Loiters in the Lobby

Adam Levine, the $cience lover friend of Howard Stern, posed in front of the Sirius logo backdrop today. Celebs just show up and make the rounds while Howard interviewed his stale second family who are boring and do nothing but dodge licensing boards and tax collectors. 

4-9-24, Levine was at Sirius hoping someone would
interview him. Howard's fan may remember he butchered "Purple Rain" along
with Pat Monahan of Train for Howard's 60th birthday bash.

Here's Today's Transcribed Stern Show Excerpts

#dawgshed #siriusxm #judy #judyo #betho #bethostern #judyostrosky #bobostrosky
#doug #theotherguy #adamlevine #dog #rabbit #magic #canyougetpoopoutofarabbit

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