Sunday, November 24, 2019

Super 8

November is the anniversary of this famous blog and last November, Dame Beth-Man was thrown an awesome party as related on this blog. Well, now it's the eight-year anniversary and I had an awesome time at my party. 

There have been pretenders to the Dame Beth-Man throne like the now dead and defunct Beth Stern Fan Page on Facebook that had almost zero interest or content since Beth has no fans that anyone can detect because Beth is not famous and this cat gimmick she has with chasing cats around her various residences gets old really fast along with random bizarre selfies Beth posts all the time on social media that leaves random cat crazies baffled. Beth is just famous for dating a married radio shock jock that stayed too long at the party because those old radio days and shock jock banter are long gone and everyone knows Howard Stern should have retired in the 20th century, but no, he would die if he couldn't be the paid loudmouth on the radio with scripted banter and then he had to show up the ex-wife Alison with his new acquisition, Beth O'Nobody, who was pushed onto Stern's aged fans as a model and Howard apparently never thought this through since zero photos exist of Beth as any type of model pre-Stern except those chunky modeling photos of Beth as shown on the footer of this blog.

Howard and Beth tried to sneak into the
Beth Fan Page anniversary party as approved masks but
their faces were too disturbing for general audiences.

A balloon flies over the water at the Beth Fan Page 8th Anniversary Party.

Beth is always at her Florida Mystery House this time of year with Howard supposedly flying in for a quickie and we can expect to see the same awful photos coming from the Stern PR team consisting of people out of ideas. Yes, we should see those same fugly Christmas trees wheeled out of their giant closets much like Howard is wheeled out of his giant closet for the annual feast of turkey and crow while Beth has help from her side of the family feud mailing out those crappy Stern-produced Helen the Cat calendars and Howard's book of his stale satellite radio interviews with how he met Beth weirdly stuck between the pages.

The Sterns keep adding to their love set photos as we get one that looks new this year. Yay. I've updated the love set photo evaluations below but they are not all-inclusive since the Sterns do this all the time because they're stupid with nothing to do during the holidays but badger the online press to print their dumb photos. Beth has no job anyway and stares at her empty walls while Howard sits around waiting for that bell to ring to take him back to Sirius. For prior blog entries about the love set evaluations, you can access the ones dated 2-13-16 and 7-5-17. The "Stern Love Set Evaluations" is a Syco Production.

Rerun Update: Beth uploads to IG another old photo
from a photoshoot from 2017 that her fan has not yet seen. 


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