Thursday, September 12, 2019


Sheri Moon Zombie gets her husband Rob off his duff to get her an interview with the NY Post on September 11 to rebut the Beth Fan Page [blog entry dated 8/30/19] saying how old Sheri looks "fetching" [not a compliment, Sheri] as everyone wonders who wants to see an aged woman barely dressed on a 50 ft movie screen. Well, 3 From Hell is just that, where Rob photoshops the hell out of Sheri. The hair and face are digitally enhanced on the screen. The hair extension expert Marc Mena demonstrates how to digitally enhance hair in 2016 for Heidi Klum. Marc also did hair extensions for Beth for her cheapskate wedding in a bar in NYC at Le Touriste Trap called Le Cirque.

Um, yeah, the article needs a bit of blue pencil. Rob met Sheri at several of his concerts since she was a groupie touring with a few bands. Sheri claimed to be a big star in her own right having danced in an obscure music video and originally claimed to be one of the VJs on MTV, much like that bizarre-looking former wife of Kelsey Grammer, Camille, who everyone knows walked into Howard Stern's Private Parts, but no proof has emerged that Sheri was ever on MTV or VH1 or any other cable music channel from 27 years ago. Sheri made out pretty well for herself having given Rob a choice, either marriage or palimony because they had reached the 10-year mark in their relationship, I mean exactly - October they started dating and lived together and 10 years later on October 31 they were married. Rob chose marriage to shut up the family - oh yeah, a lot of people would allegedly have to be paid if he had dumped Sheri 17 years ago with Sheri moving onto Slash and Trash nesting in her coop.

Gee, didn't Sheri forget the real story about the elopement? Menopausal memory lapse I suppose. Rob invited Howard Stern and his now-wife Beth Ostrosky to the FORMAL WEDDING. Sheri had a fit and canceled the whole thing. Later, Rob was appearing in Vegas around Halloween and that's where they got married sans the Sterns. Howard has mentioned on his live radio show how mad he was that he did get the invitation to the formal wedding but was abruptly uninvited by Rob and that was it. Howard never heard when the wedding would be rescheduled. Howard later found out Rob and Sheri eloped but that's not true. They were already staying in Vegas and decided to race to a preacher with Elvis as a witness, you know, it was one of those cheap ass stupid Vegas weddings at those chapels that dot the landscape. Howard came up with Beth's fake age to make Sheri and Rob jealous, but then, Sheri has her fake age too so it evens out. Rob really doesn't care about all this since he frequently ditches his wedding ring while on tour, oh, because of water retention, ha, and his marriage reached a boiling point with Halloween, [how interesting due to the connection w/his wedding day] his first and second movie versions starring Scout Taylor-Compton who he was allegedly smitten. Enter Sheri's Machete and that ended that. Okay, let's move on.

The final shows of "America's Got Talent" are in full swing with the finale next week and of course it beats the Bachelor series in ratings by a landslide that Howard keeps promoting because he is jealous of Simon Cowell's super hit franchise Got Talent shows. It is still a Stern-free zone since Howard's agent can't swing a guest judging appearance even though they are on the phone nonstop with the network who may have to enter the witness protection program to avoid getting Stuck With Stern again.

The beautiful superstar Queen Latifah was a guest judge on
one of the final episodes of AGT.

Beth loves existing in old photoshopped photos of herself on her Instagram show and recycles a photo from when she had fat flabby breasts. As exclusively reported on the Beth Fan Page, Howard videotaped Beth with a flat deflated left breast and it was posted on her Instagram Show in December 2016. She has been juggling old photos ever since passing them off as new and these cats she shoves in the pictures are not trackable and most look alike and obviously, who knows what happens to these cats since the original declawed Yoda the cat is long gone with this new one who has claws that Beth demonstrates on IG since she makes a big show out of trimming the claws yet only recently for Yoda, as of a year or so ago when she's had two Yodas in about 6 years. One wonders when that big black bra photo from 2017 was really originally taken by Howard. 

As exclusively reported on the Beth Fan Page, Beth had no left breast in 2016. Gotta wonder how old Beth's photos are that Howard keeps shopping around.

#dawgshed #dawgsaloon #afn
#sfn  #howardsternhollywoodorbust_again
#bethostroskystern  #bethostern
#sherimoonzombie  #robzombie

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