Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Do You Read Me?

Duh, everyone reads the Beth Fan Page including the Sirius Nancy Boys who knew they had to do something after acquiring a peanut portion of the music streaming service called Pandora with analysts projecting in April of this year that it would have only a three percent uptick meaning almost zilch return on your investment. 

As reported a few days ago on various online news outlets, SiriusXM satellite radio announced its plans on buying Pandora and owning the service instead of just the 19 percent they already owned. This announcement comes only days after the famous blogger Dame Beth-Man revealed in a startling exclusive blog entry that when Sirius acquired 19 percent of Pandora, Sirius was a still a giant loser stock investment with analysts saying to skip Sirius and look at other stock investments. As pointed out by this blogger on September 10, SiriusXM cannot hope to beat Spotify, even with the 19 percent added stocks from Pandora and now acquiring the whole service only after this blogger featured this investment news report on this blog.

To read the original blog entry, reference the stellar Beth Fan Page, September 10, 2018. Below is the screenshot from that blog entry that sent Sirius into orbit and they decided to move fast to acquire Pandora, but hey guys, I think you are still treading water and need to jettison that dead Stern weight ASAP and send him floating into outer space. Too bad if Howard can't breathe without oxygen in all that black airspace, that's his problem not yours. Let him find his own footing on a spaceship flying by. He can hitchhike his way through the galaxy looking for another sucker to buy his bullshit radio show where his do-nothing wife Beth Stern's name is inserted randomly to plug her horizontal lifestyle since she does zilch yet is on the Howard Stern Show payroll, but maybe Sirius doesn't know that. Hey guys, look in that Stern Show budget spreadsheet under the line item "Excess Baggage".

Beth Fan Page September 10:

This news item originally appeared on the Beth Fan Page,
September 10, which sent Sirius back to the
boardroom since they needed to take action ASAP
but it won't help anyway.

Reuters September 23:

Even Beth Ostrosky Stern's proclaimed cousin Noel Clare Ostrosky plugs SPOTIFY and not loser Sirius.

For some reason, no one is talking about this phony phone call fetish Howard Stern has had since forever, both in his personal life and on his terrestrial and pay radio shows. Howard is obsessed with the telephone, not only with his barrage of phone calls to producers throughout the years to try and get himself on television, but as in the horrendous ongoing phony phone call scripted skits he has done forever on his terrestrial radio show and now on his satellite radio show when everyone thought that once you turn the age of OLD FART jerk, you would stop such amateurish stunts especially since most teenagers who used to do this stuff are all now 70 years old yet Stern won't let go of his phony phone call fetish.

On Tuesday's satellite radio show [Sept 25, Michael Douglas's birthday], Howard claimed to have watched Dancing With the Stars with Beth in bed the prior night, yet everyone knows that Beth is housed at Howard's old highrise Manhattan bachelor's pad that he purchased while married to Alison Stern his first wife, and Howard has other digs as already reported by this blogger several times since around Nov/Dec of 2015. So FUNNY how things work out. Howard bought those apartments [and later the adjoining ones and one beneath his] to get away from the first wife and kids during the work week until Alison told him to not bother coming homo on the weekends either. So now, Beth is left at Howard's former bachelor pad Manhattan apartments while Howard skates out to another private bachelor's pad near Katie Lee's Kitchen and he just can't get enough of those goodfellas eateries with Ralph the Mouse that ratted out the magpies while everyone remembers who recently wore the mouse mask in public the day after their wife was found dangling from a doorknob. 

Howard even pitched a new show to NBC called "The Married Bachelor" about how contestants compete to dodge their current wives while searching for a new apartment and claim it's only for business reasons and see how long they can keep up the charade before the wives go running to their divorce lawyers. The contestant whose wife is the last one to file for divorce, wins a free trip to Hawaii with their mistress and $4,000 in cash to pay off photogs who snap their picture making out on a balcony.  But I digress.

Happy belated birthday to Michael Douglas:

Now, back to your regularly scheduled blog entry.

So any TV watching by the Sterns is reported by various sources to be done by telephone and any sex is phony phone sex since that is how Howard communicates because he allegedly has problems unless he is speaking through a phone or microphone or megaphone or via a tape recorder or other device since he is an introverted weirdo that admits he needs a psychiatrist although sources are reporting that his so-called doctor visits are by what? Telephone. Howard loves doing voices as he demonstrates ad nauseam on his radio show [both the old free radio and new pay radio shows] and sometimes the Doc doesn't know which Howard he will be speaking with for one of his regular sessions. No, Howard doesn't like Skype unless he can wear a disguise or prosthetics like he did ad nauseam on his old Channel 9 TV Show with RALPH his long time companion that would do the wigs, prosthetics, and makeup for Howard and that role playing has not stopped as some could be led to believe.

But Howard's Doc doesn't know who will show up to speak for their regular appointments which are fewer than Howard leads people to believe. Will Helen be on the phone? Ellen? Ben? Ray? Emily? Debra? Ashley? Beth? Noel? David? Rob? Oh, there are a bunch of people Howard pretends to be, right Howard? Is any of this allegedly true? I guess he can give out a code on the air to clue us in and see if the Q fits or if there is more sauce we can pour on this juicy steak.

Howard loves the mystery and as already reported on this blog, Howard continues to work overtime to make his wife Beth famous since Sirius has clamped down on his vacation days so he's got to put in more hours or take a pay cut. Howard is having a meltdown over the longer work schedule but Bethie is elated with the new routine because she has already signed on for another 10 years with Stern as reported on this blog this past summer when Beth reached her first 10 year milestone with Howard in August 2018 [ref: BFP 8-19-18].

Stuttering John's latest podcast has been uploaded and he had a few interesting/funny things to say [this blogger's notes are in brackets]:

- Ann Coulter should stop trying to do comedy and work on piloting her broom.
- Howard tried doing a monologue [like Johnny Carson] and actually hired a monologue writer to do a page of jokes. Howard tried to read the jokes as if he was doing improv and "off the cuff" and it was so uncomfortably bad that John dreaded being in the studio in those days, and Howard was horrible at doing it, "douche chills city", even Robin had trouble giggling since it was so awkward.
- Now Howard has jokes written for him by five staff writers, including a former Jay Leno Tonight Show writer. The jokes are filtered through Will Murray who then puts the jokes in front of Howard.
- In John's upcoming book, he covers the topics: Jay Leno was the best boss John ever worked for; "The Core", Howard's new philosophy; Jimmy Kimmel the backstabber; the demise of Howard and other stuff.
-If Howard sues him over the book, he welcomes it since it is his personal stories and he has witnesses to events.
- Sirius was going to give JD a raise in salary and Howard blocked it.


If John means "the core" as in Six Sigma, it's all about how your company can legitimately ax a bunch of people they hate in the name of "streamlining processes" to become more efficient and increase profits [a.ka., take an ax to your org chart so the money flows upward to the big bosses while work that doesn't get done is deemed nonessential and gets pushed downward to one person's in-box until that peon either quits or dies. Also used as a giant excuse to get rid of some person you hate yet is doing their job but you want to hire your girlfriend and get her on the payroll so your wife doesn't see money disappearing from your joint bank account [hint: Beth Ostrosky is an example of the Six Sigma process]].

So funny on Stern's stale satellite radio show this week he belabored the driving habits of Ronnie the Limo Driver because he has no show content and complained that Beth got all mad how she was being thrown around in the car and Howard even said Ralph got upset too. Hey, can't upset Ralph! Howard is flailing really badly, he needs to hire a new set of writers, I mean, it's getting really pathetic but Howard has no choice but live with the laughing stock he has become and believe me, that is a loser stock that will show zero percent uptick in 2018.

Bethie can't wait for her book and podcast and hot dog stand and fire sale getting rid of that bullshit cat fostering gimmick when Howard finally reaches nirvana and we can't wait for that book to hit the bookshelves and splatter all over the floor. All contracts are null and void once the Party of the First Part is dead and buried and the stories linger on forever.

Tip for bloggers: Remember to Cher your blog entries.

#dawgshed #dawg  #howardisinthedawgshed
#bethstern #noelclare  #spotify  #siriusxm
#pandora #anniversary  #10 #sirius #howard
#radio #michaeldouglas #cher #stutteringjohn

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