Thursday, June 21, 2018


Another public figure knocks themselves off, this time a publicist and brand expert named Jeanine Pepler who according to the NY Post Page Six, offed herself in her home in Sag Harbor by hanging herself on Sunday night, June 17, which was Father's Day. 

Howard was in NYC all last week and for Father's Day weekend having skipped his regular Hamptons hangover with Beth the Hamptons Harridan who was supervising the Maria Menounos Social Life magazine cover party on June 16. 

Pepler represented a bunch of people including the authors Candace Bushnell and Jay McInerney [who she dated before he landed Miss Moneybags Heiress Anne Hearst]. Below is supposedly her death house yet it was offered for rent beginning this month for $12,000 with increasing amounts throughout the summer in Sag Harbor. Geez, wouldn't it be funny if her applicants were Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain? Not a good sign. 

We know the Sterns knew Pepler since they are a fixture in Sag Harbor and corner publicists for freebies and during the summer haunt eateries and events when Beth horns in on a clothing store opening and likes to top off the evening by sliding across the hard wood floors at a Hamptons eatery and landing in the ER. Pepler was born and educated in South Africa just where Beth claimed to have been a big time model! Geez, she must have remembered Beth from South Africa, right?

Remember to live in the moment and that life is beautiful when
you decide to kill yourself. Gee, I guess this cornball wisdom
means zilch and helps no one.

Jeanine attended the Evelyn Alexander "Get Wild" wildlife rescue benefit with Beth in 2014. Beth normally shows up to this annual event since she and Howard have to donate money to the wildlife rescue groups or they can forget about those sea turtles getting removed from their property or getting rid of those pesky deer that destroy those expensive shrubs.

Beth loves to order clothes from past seasons from Net-a-Knock-Off and this time it was that daisy dress that was a rehash from an original design a few years ago. Beth wore it to that same ol' event she does every year for the North Shore Animal League, the Lewyt Luncheon, yet this year Beth added a new feature where she had a Q&A session with herself during the luncheon. The original version of the dress was worn at a book party for Jay McInerney by a richie rich old woman named Erica Karsch. She's the co-founder of Juice Press with her richie rich old husband in the sneakers and looks like a prop irritant who dresses a bit like Andy Spade.

So much for the power of SiriusXM. The SiriusXM star of Radio Andy, Andy Cohen, and his boring game show "Love Connection" on FOX managed 1.9 million viewers on Tuesday with NBC winning the night as usual with its superstar Simon Cowell at the helm of "America's Got Talent" with 11.7 million viewers.

Katie Lee's Kitchen is scaring everyone on IG as Howard Stern worries about how to keep his stories straight when both he and Beth are in NYC yet have to text each other instead of just walking into the next room and talk together and it gets worse when Howard can't say a word when Beth is either in Pittsburgh, the Hamptons, or when she bolts to her Botoxology Blowup Basement in Florida every three months or so. It's a schedule the old man with a walking stick can hardly handle. And to think Beth says they still go on "runs" together, right, straight to the bathroom after a visit to Katie Lee's kitchen. That's all the running those Sterns are doing.

#dawgshed  #dawg
#stutteringjohn  #agt  #nbc
#fox  #radioandy  #bethstern
#betho  #bethostroskystern


  1. I wonder why “Who Wore the Hideous Doily Dress Worse” wasn't featured in any of the magazines. And the other woman’s dress is strapless and Beth's isn't … can’t One Boob McGee pull off a strapless number anymore?

  2. I agree bobeefus wears knock offs and doesn't own anything. It's jewelry is usually fake or leased. Same with its handbags. I see it's clothes on snobswap all the time. Nordstrom rack, all its hats and cat themed crap is on there. It seems it can't even get the reconstruction surgery it so desperately needs.

