Monday, January 8, 2018

Howard's Flowers

Cartoon originally posted
on the BFP 1-7-16.
Sorry if I missed it, but I don't think we got the annual flower report from one of Howard Stern's show writers Benjy Bronk. He always sends Howard flowers right after the New Year and wonder if that big event happened last year and again this year? [Ref: BFP  1-7-16, Send Me No Flowers.]

Flowers for a friend, flowers for a funeral. But ever since Howard became too famous for his first wife Alison, he has struggled around the holidays. He no longer dresses in drag at parties unless it's the ones held at a private club for members only because at any other party or event, Beth wants her fan to think he was only a transvestite around his first wife and not around her because she is a super hot model when the only thing super hot about her are her menopausal hot flashes.

It damages Beth's ego that her husband
 prefers the and makeup

and wigs and heels get it.

I also haven't updated the prisoner report of the resident cats at Stalag Beth in the Hamptons since 2016, the ones that have or might kick the can next. This blogger did an update on which cat will be the next that Beth incinerates and dumps into that giant urn in the master bedroom at Stalag Beth in the Hamptons since she is so sick of this shit and is desperate for attention so always has to have something dead or dying in her life aside from her career as a member of the Mouscatel Club.

Beth proved on January 5 that the original Yoda is in fact not this Yoda who looks apparently healthy, oh, and has claws. The first Yoda died of some heart condition. Contrary to what Beth proclaimed publicly and in her first Yoda the Cat book, cats are not "cured" of congenital heart conditions by chasing down feral felines who escape from Beth's kitten room in the Hamptons. Beth was struggling with coming up with a story line that her husband could push forward into a book and stretch it to a second book about a blind cat that becomes Yoda's buddy and the book debacle stopped there. No trilogy of terror for the Yoda the cat story line.

Beth suddenly shows her fan on January 5 that this Yoda the cat has claws and she is pestering him by clumsily trying to snip off the tips. Beth's cats are either declawed, blind, or dying since they are not allowed on the new furniture cushions or anywhere around the house unsupervised with the servants chasing them down and putting them back in their room. They are only let out for meals and photoshoots with the separate feral foster room off the first floor patio area that is filled with cages and are kept separate from her own resident prop cats.

Frau Beth can't stop pestering her permanent
prisoners at Stalag Beth in the Hamptons. Normally cats trim their
own claws but Beth is a hyperactive wackjob that thinks her
precious factory fug cushions will get damaged in those few hours
Yoda is let out of his room to eat and pose for selfies

We also remember around this time in 2016 David Bowie died and Howard was not prepared with his script since Bowie died on a Sunday and Howard is all flustered and busy with his own family and affairs over the big weekend. Normally, late Friday through Sunday is his time in the city near Katie Lee's kitchen and those goodfellas eateries that he can't keep all the way away from. 

So anyway, Benjy apparently dropped the ball and didn't have a script ready for Howard and he floundered on the air about what to say about the death of Bowie and that marked the end times for Benjy being a part of the on-air staff. Howard cannot speak honestly from the heart, brain, or anywhere else since he just obsesses about his double life away from his Hamptons Hookah Smokin' Caterpillar and pretends to be a big fan of Bowie and other icons yet he is just a phony who runs and hides behind a Mountain of imploding scenarios.

I think Howard should consider these suggestions
from his fans on about what
he can do to improve his stale satellite radio show this year.

The Golden Globe Awards were held Sunday night 1-7-18, a.k.a., the black mass in honor of fallen women who were victims of the Hollywood casting couch but got their Oscars, their award nominations, their mansions, and are now sitting in luxury while the lesser actresses ran and hid from their abusers and are now sitting in Oxnard sneering at their television sets wondering why they didn't diddle that director upon demand. Got wives? Hey, that's considered a regular gig in show biz. We just loved that cackling hyena Mrs. Spielberg in the audience at the Globes. 

Everyone was kind of shocked and disgusted by the aged Kirk Douglas being wheeled out at the Globes. Yes, he's old now and senile but can't we just let him ride off into the sunset without being paraded on the stage and honored by all?? I mean, was that display a joke? Everyone was on their high horse talking up women and talking down the mean men and then they parade out Kirk Douglas? Even Stanley Kubrick couldn't stand working with the [tyrant] on Spartacus and fled to England. It has been said forever that Kirk Douglas was the most hated man in Hollywood. He was difficult to work with, an alleged sex addict [sound familiar MICHAEL?) and a bona fide alleged rapist with his alleged victims that were talking about their "audition" with Douglas, Jean Seberg and Natalie Wood. Let's throw in a bonus with Michael. Nobody can stand him either what with him being described as repugnant and contemptible, an alleged drug and alcohol addict and an admitted sex addict. Some Hollywood dynasty.

On Sunday while Beth was dumping cats onto pigeons in NY because
 she has to appear too busy for Hollywood, Heidi Klum was heating up the red carpet in the required black uniform of the evening remembering that
Harvey Weinstein almost killed her show Project Runway by getting into battles
and lawsuits with the cable channel that aired her show.
The dust finally settled and the show continued on another network.

More Globes fun:

We know the Sterns are always dressed in black watching TV wondering what happened to their big careers as they sit and stew in a pot of irrelevancy.

Well, we do know that Howard's fans are anxiously awaiting his show to be back on the air as they wonder what happened to Howard's radio reality show called "Howard's Boob" detailing the antics and trials of living with the famous Beth O [the model no one has heard of] that was broadcast last winter and took a permanent hiatus in the summer and fall seasons. We are awaiting its return this season.

#bethsterndoesnthaveanythingtodo  #goldenglobeawards
#howardstern  #bethostrosky
#heidiklum  #barbrastreisand
#nicolekidman  #scientologyawardsshow

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