Monday, August 28, 2017

What A Pair

Gosh, the practically perfect Heidi Klum was stopping traffic at the 2017 MTV Video Music awards in Inglewood, CA on Sunday night [8-27-17] with the greatest pair anyone has seen in a long time, especially when you compare her pair with the bloated butt faced Molly McKimmel and her bosom buddy Beth Stern sponging off Howard Stern at the Hamptons Hellhole & Cattery where Howard Stern needs to have guests view the cats that are up for adoption so he can claim some sort of charitable tax deduction for that money pit he married all set up with her own show on that FREE site called Instagram since Howard Stern refuses to fork over any dough to any network to produce a real show for his rarely vertical unmarketable wife who seems to actually have set a vertical record nowadays since, as reported exclusively on this blog, that Princess On The Wagon has not been seen with an alcoholic beverage for the entire summer Hamptons season thus far.

Flat chested or padded do not a fine pair make.
Howard keeps saying on his stale satellite radio show that Beth's a "Barbie" when she looks like Barbie's old mom posing with her sister.

Photo was posted on Beth's Instagram on 8-27-17

Good try honey, that freak facelift and botox bulge is not a good look on plain Molly from nowhere trying to have kids when she's too old and the baby was born with a defect and your husband blames the President then uses that kid for a bogus crying jag on national television to boost ratings for his flailing late night talk show that is broadcast from a defunct Freemason temple as already reported on this blog and is widely known anyway with secret tunnels leading to Grauman's Chinese Theater now called TCL Chinese Theater where all the celebs' footprints are in cement and many a goodfella have ended up with cement shoes at the bottom of a lake where Howard Stern claims to have been attacked by a swan when he rented a house to go fishing with the Kimmels when we know something else was buried in that cement pond and not the lake as Howard claims. 

Oh right, suddenly Mr. Agoraphobic Asshole who can't leave the house without bodyguards and a map, again related that same story on his stale satellite radio show on August 23 with a caller planted to bring up the incident that was so fake you could smell the naugahyde, about how Howard was suddenly a big fisherman with Jimmy Kimmel some time ago and Howard wanted to throw the fish back claiming to be a big humanitarian but yet he stuffs his gullet with a ton of fish, shrimp and pasta near Katie Lee's kitchen, right? OH, that's okay, but we've got to throw the fishes back in the lake when we catch one as Howard wonders how he can throw that fish faced wife he married back into the pond where she was found treading water.

Molly is pictured on the left before her giant makeover
of injectable fillers and she even lightened and plucked
those man-brows. Jimmy looks like he has a brain tumor with that
lazy left eye and dilated pupil.

Oh, so many people think Beth looks like Barbie and according to Howard, Beth played Barbie in SOME things?? Like a circus sideshow? Hey now Howard, can you name ONE THING where Beth appeared as Barbie?? I didn't think so.

Who really was a Barbie? Oh, just Heidi Klum, as reported on this blog on March 10, 2017, "Barbie Snubs Beth". How amazing that Heidi always provides PROOF behind what she says and she was made into a real Barbie doll. Howard and Beth provide proof of nothing, since they are all talk and nothing else. Mr. Talk Radio thinks everyone should fall in line and talk up Beth about being a Barbie, what a laughing stock those two are. All talk no proof no sale no dice and no spice girl either.

Yes, that is really Heidi Klum as Barbie with no Beth in sight.
Gee Howard, how come Mattel wanted nothing to
do with a big fat Barbie Beth doll with stubby legs?

#heidiklum  #mattel   #barbie
#howardstern  #shrimponthebeth
#jimmykimmel  #jimmyfallon  #michaelstrahan


  1. I'm reminded of the time Beth told Kelly Ripa that she was Barbie at a toy fair in New York. But something tells me the Dynamic Bragging Duo of Howard and Beth didn't tell that tale to Heidi Klum since she could have whipped out an actual Barbie doll of herself.

  2. Beth should have said it was GI Joe, far more believable with that masculine jaw and shoe size.
    I wonder what's going on underneath that horrible tablecloth it's wearing. Looks pretty flat.

