Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Ailing Girl Makes Beth's Wish Come True

A young girl named Julia and her sister rallied around Beth Stern yesterday to help make Beth's wish come true by letting her horn in on the Make A Wish Foundation and their kitten party.

Everyone knows that Beth Stern and her husband Howard are very famous for stuffing cats in photos and using them like props and then when Beth tires of them, she quickly dumps them onto other people while foraging around for fresh photo click bait to make herself appear like she does something other than badger Howard to make her famous.

In a video on the North Shore Animal League (NSAL) Facebook page, Julia was very patient with Beth and put up with her constant jabbering on and on and on all about herself, her "husband", and plugging her Yoda the cat children's books. The poor girl was almost silent throughout the whole ordeal, trapped inside a kitten cage with the fame hound Beth Stern. At least Beth should have some fresh content for her upcoming cover feature in that free third-rate magazine called "Social Life" and anywhere else she can get her big face published somewhere with Julia because everyone is sick of Beth's same old tired stories about how she is an expert cat snatch & dumper but this time can talk about horning in on a kitten party with Julia and her sister as a part of the Make A Wish Foundation.

Julia [pictured below, right] donates her time to
help slow adult Beth get the publicity
and attention she craves:

Nobody requested this Beth. You wanted to parade Julia's family around and drag them to the Howard Stern satellite radio show like your personal trophies to somehow make yourself likable to your Instagram cat club followers. Apparently nothing of this was mentioned live on Howard's radio show since he appears to be under a gag order when plugging Beth's foundation [Bianca's Furry Friends] or NSAL and sometimes sneaks in a plug if Beth phones into the show and he feels it's just them talking about their [boring] life. But no plugola plugs for Howard's mare and she failed to appear on the show itself since someone's got to pay for the airtime and we know it's not going to be Howard.

I'm sure Beth will get plenty of publicity mileage out of this photo and Howard will most likely stick it in his big upcoming Beth Issue of "Social Life" magazine since he paid for a professional makeup job for Beth's face and had a stylist glue down that wig on her football head and may try to count it as a charitable donation to the Make A Wish and the Make Beth Famous foundations.

I guess Beth was at the SiriusXM satellite radio studio today to meet her idol, the founder of SPANX, Sara Blakely since Beth couldn't squish her ass into anything without them. That's why she needs those double front doors at her Hamptons hideaway.

June 28, the founder of SPANX [left] is interviewed
for a SiriusXM Town Hall by Randi Zuckerberg.

Sara Spanx is worth a reported 1.09 BILLION dollars. Ha, I guess Howard couldn't stand it and didn't want to admit a huge chunk of his salary has contributed to that billion dollars in sales from Spanx for Beth.

Beth's fan is just on pins and needles wondering which old awful photo by Howard that Beth will post on Instagram and pretend it's new. Maybe the one below? It's pretty funny and Howard thinks he's a comedian. 

Beth looks all drawn like an airbrushed painting and why it's hilarious is I highlighted a comment since Beth's Insta-Stupid followers have no clue who she is or that Howard takes all of these stupid photos of Beth and he is into photography big time with even a photography teacher if you can believe it. He had his own company and website that had to be taken down because it was the laughing stock of the Internet and everyone was making fun of the photos Howard took since they were so badly done and just moronic [Conlan or Conman Photography, something like that].

Will Beth recycle this photo from last year? I guess we'll have to wait and watch what happens.

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  1. The timing of the kitten party does coincide perfectly with Beth's upcoming issue of Social Life magazine especially since Julia got a photo op with old man Stern himself and his tired wig.

    And on IG, Beth's cousin poses in a "cabana tent" (great description) like the one pictured above.

  2. Howard must get that chin implant removed. He looks like an emaciated scarecrow, or else he's trying to look like Jay Leno.
