Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Beth Loses To Dogs - - Again

For a third year in a row, the Beth Stern Hallmark Channel's Kitten Bowl loses, big time, to the Animal Planet's Puppy Bowl even though the Kitten Bowl had a puppy half-time this year to try and gain viewers. It all failed miserably since it's a loser idea but what else can Beth Stern get at this point but almost 0.0 TV job offers. Of course, no one beat the broadcast of the Super Bowl on Sunday and no one could beat getting a personal invitation to sit with Les Moonves as his guests like the real celebrities Michael Douglas and his lovely wife Catherine to watch the Super Bowl in person.  

So, why weren't Howard and Beth invited as personal private guests of the Les and his wife Julie Chen at the Super Bowl this year? Wonder what happened there, since I thought the past was forgotten and they are buddies now. But, didn't Les and Julie love that parody Howard did of them? We all remember Howard did that long, boring and unfunny parody about Les and his superstar wife Julie and falling back on racist humor trying his best to insult Chen, who Howard had to beg and beg and offer to paint her toenails in order to get Beth a semi-guest hosting job on her TV show "The Talk" when the show was broadcasting from New York [2015], with Beth not getting the invite a second time around when they broadcast from New York and instead took Robin Quivers sending Beth through the roof saying she didn't want to do the show anyway and Howard made fun of the show since you know, his favorite snack is sour grapes.

Jennifer Aniston, NY Zoolander
premiere, 2-9-16.
All the real action was in New York on Tuesday night what with the New York premiere of Zoolander No. 2 with all the mega star cast parading on the red carpet along with their celebrity wives and media stars. So, what happened here Howard? Invitation got lost in the mail? I thought Jen and Howard were besties now, BFFs, with her husband Justine as Howard's bro. Gosh, I guess Jen, Naomi, Christine, were all too jealous to let Beth O canter along the red carpet and banned her from appearing while Beth sits home with a swollen bloated face as a reaction to being an ignored pariah.
Ben Stiller with his family at the Zoolander premiere 2-9-16 in NY. It was nice his son Pugsley could attend in between drowning rats in a bathtub practicing his "Blue Steel" model poses. How's that story spinning, Howard? About the time Ben dated Beth O and cast her in his film "Flirting With Disaster"? Care to say that to Ben's face the next time he throws you a bone and agrees to appear on your stale satellite radio show? Has Beth ever named names of any person she dated before Howard Stern? No.

Susan Sarandon showed up with her cute daughter and superstar supermodel Naomi Campbell looked gorgeous as usual at the Zoolander movie premiere 2-9-16 in NY.

Red Dress Awards, NY 2-9-16.

Beth also missed out on bumping butts with her good friend from The Today Show, Yoda Hoda at the annual super gala event called the Woman's Day Red Dress Awards held on 2-9-16. The event spotlights doctors and advocates who are making a difference in the fight against heart disease.
Beth did prance on stage in 2010 when she was still under 40 but she looked so awful in an ill-fitting dress that had to be pinned in the back [I know, and Ralph claims to be a stylist, I mean, just what does he get paid to do? Howard and Beth always look like shit], and her giant thick legs and she hasn't been invited back.

So, where was Beth during all this red carpet activity in the Big Apple? Didn't the adorable horsie want her bite? Well, on Tuesday, poor Beth appeared to be suffering from bloat and was on lockdown and only showed her cat club Instagram followers from India a half-selfie as they await full selfies any day now. We just hope for the best for the wife of Howard Stern facing the stone walls of Stalag Beth wondering if she can make it to her Florida cosmetic surgery center for rest and career recovery treatment. Beth's fans are praying to Dr. Brandt in Botox heaven to send an angel to heal Beth and get her back to braggin' about herself and sticking her entire face into her iPhone very soon and not just post her weirdo body parts online scaring kids in Pakistan.
Beth Stern Instagram, 2-9-16.

What about Heidi, you ask?


  1. yoohoo. Waiting for your comments re: the hideous decor in chimney manor:

    1. I don't know, it looks like a hotel in San Diego. Everything is fug average with the stale decor of fish and shells that cost the decorator zero to stick on the walls and around the house. Probably got most of that shit for free as part of his deal with stores. It's not the image Howard thinks of himself [e.g., as the Dark Knight with his cool young thing] when it looks like an old fart with grandkids lives there who is married to an aging nobody. Looks like a house for kids and nerds. The only room that interests me is what I guess is the master bedroom, with a bed that looks 6' long for a 6'5" radio DJ yet I guess his wig adds 5 inches. I might have to blog about it, not sure. Thanks for the link.
