It seems that Miss Animal Activist could not care less about the American Humane Association (AHA) which is bought and paid for by the Screen Actors Guild, to ignore animal abuse at movie and TV studios. Beth just cares about getting her mug on television. How about a whole show devoted to the AHA's neglecting to keep animals safe when used in TV shows and movies? I hope those are blood spots on your script of all the animals who were starved and neglected but managed to stay alive long enough to shoot their scenes. Beth is a shill for anything and anyone who will pay her, that's all she cares about in spite of her phony Instagram show of how she throws cats in cages and then dumps them onto other people for a lifetime of bills and expects a pat on the back and a hefty donation to her foundation. Right, let's give Beth money to house a few cats in her mansion for a few days, and she actually has the nerve to call it charity work.
Oh, who cares about live animal props on movie sets, let's party, right Howard? I mean, what else is poor Beth going to get? We can't expect her to have any integrity, morals, or personal values, right? Without those damn animals, Beth would only have her sad pudgy little bikini photos to post on the Internet, and everyone ignores those, no one is buying any calendars or books all about Beth.
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