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Yoda the Illustrated cat |
Howard has the nerve of any pickpocket scumbag to again get his aged cottage cheesecake wife Beth O'Nobody a book published this year to get dough from the public to benefit Beth's personal foundation where she passes off an undisclosed portion to the North Shore Animal League (NSAL) where she is their paid useless spokesperson. Yes, the Beth Fund, a.k.a., Bianca's Furry Friends.
The entire planet would be free from Howard's ugly wife if he didn't get her the corporate-sponsored charity gig, as a spokesperson, I mean, what useless job is that? It is so Beth can parade around to morning talk show bugging the hell out of them when not one person knows who she is or why she keeps pushing animals in everyone's faces.
So, NSAL doesn't quite dodge a bullet for Christmas this year, and will be subjected to having another useless product from the Sterns dumped on their doorstep that they have to unload. I hope Howard's paid SiriusXM employee stooges enjoy their xmas bonus of a kid's book written by a prize nitwit [or a ghost-nitwit] who is stuck in 1980 in a child's fantasyland as she turns 50 in five years.
What market is there for a children's book with page after page featuring a giant fathead posing with a phony Persian cat that Beth acquired from a friend claiming it was a homeless cat from NSAL, with Beth airbrushed to oblivion to fulfill a warped fantasy of Howard Stern that he is married to a young model instead of an old barfly reject?
Howard's little iPhone photoshoot for Beth's promotional tour of her stupid kids book. I mean, how can Stern reach lower? Does he employ an expert at digging up cheap shit to market to the public? So will it be a mixture of Beth selfies and drawings of Yoda the Persian cat?
Super Dolt Beth even did market research for her next book featuring herself where she pockets all the dough from the sale [e.g., Howard buying all the books and giving the money to the Beth Fund].
Retweeted by Beth O, dated May 14, 2014
Yes, a classroom was subjected to this dolt and her Persian cat so she can claim it's an educational and fun book for kids. As if she is an expert on what kids would want unless she has some hidden trogs stuffed in the basement of her Hamptons House for Homeless Ostroskys.
Self-Importance is all Beth has; without it she is nothing and everyone would have to hide the knives as someone would be frantically calling 9-1-1 as she slashes Howard's wig to pieces looking for fresh game to kill until Howard pays someone to get her back on television.
Photo dated 8/27/14 from Beth's Instagram website.
This is it. They have hit rock bottom. Unless they have something else up their sleeves, this is it. I cannot believe (or maybe I can) that we've been watching the commercialization of Yoda all summer long, just so Beffy can pretend to write a children's book and sell it to the poor schlubs who still think she is an "angel" for doing "God's work." This has got to be a vanity press project, since I cannot imagine that cash-strapped real publishers out there would greenlight such an obnoxious concept. Well, I guess people have gotten sick of the calendars. May as well scam another demographic into giving up their hard-earned sheckels just to make Beth "famous."
ReplyDeleteAs for Howard, his absence at the stupid AGT BBQ just points to what a child he is and always will be. Of course it's a stupid event, but it's his JOB to be there. Instead, he has a little hissy fit and refuses to appear. The jealousy he feels for his co-judges is so palpable and quite frankly, extremely disturbing, coming from a self-proclaimed "evolved" man. All of this makes me feel like such an idiot for actually believing in the guy and standing up for him for so many years. He had us fooled, alright. Game, set, match.
Here we go again ... the only work Beth can get is by horning in on projects suited for a woman with a CHILD. First there was "Mom Caves" and now a children's book.
ReplyDeleteBut I guess I should take solace in the fact that her self-promotion would have been a million times more unendurable if she did actually have a baby!
Excellent post. This kids book is ridiculous and it's really becoming apparent that Wiggy has no dignity left and could give a shit less about his legacy as an entertainer.
ReplyDeleteThe publisher, according to Beth, is Simon and Schuster. How the mighty have fallen.