Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Let's See What Your Wives Look Like

....a statement which is often repeated by Howard Stern's moron army that do nothing but clog up message boards so real comments get snuffed out, much like the snuffed out past of Beth Ostrosky Stern that Howard has hidden away somewhere in Siberia [oh, you thought it was Greece? Paris? South Africa? Ha!]

So does it matter if your wives or girlfriends are uglier than Beth? No, since Beth is still fugly. It makes no difference what other women look like.

But what gives Beth the right to hog a calendar? To be a spokesperson for an animal shelter that pays her a reported $100,000 to be on the books as their employee? Then she has the nerve to ask us for $7 million dollars to fund her dream, her name on a building at the charity that pays her salary while Howard Stern buys his third (?) home in Florida for $52 million according to online reports. Yes, the moron army of Howard's fans praise Howard for doing nothing but pushing that nobody wife in our faces with a face that has to be airbrushed to oblivion to make it look normal and to hide those wonky eyes. 

Cheapskate rich on paper Howard gives plenty of paper to charities, paper as in calendars, sketches of himself, a book about dogs, virtual money, as in donating a tour of his satellite radio studio, wow, how generous of Stern. Who on THIS planet, meaning EARTH wants to see her screwed up mug everyday on their kitchen walls...prison walls might be more like it, but I think those people are tortured enough behind bars without adding to the misery [depending on the crime, maybe a Beth calendar is just what they need; it could force a confession out of them].

Beth can only appear in phony photoshopped photos where her wide thick body is slimmed down with dark shadows and those huge breast implants are sagging aside from that bleached wig that is a joke.

Beth was so beautiful, her solo calendar career was a crashing failure resulting in the abandonment of her own website. Howard added her mugshot to his satellite radio show's website but suddenly with animals in the picture [literally]. Now Howard has to take all the pictures himself and publish a calendar for Bethie in the guise of charity work.

The first BETH calendar commissioned by Howard Stern featuring his over-the-hill 35 yr old wife, was a crashing bomb and embarrassment to the Stern camp.

And look out Stern, you are so crazy valuable on SiriusXM they are letting in any Tom, Dick and Joan Rivers, who is promoting her book, but we know she will parade into Stern's studio once again and bore millions with her usual biting wit as her eyes get more droopy from multiple strokes as her daughter changes the combinations on all her vaults anticipating the big quake to come very soon...hang on Missy...your payday is getting near...

Last but not least, remember this funny bit from 2000? Nobody does....

Vertically Challenged Beth O has been banned
from New York's Fashion Week this time around. Why? Her huge
fat knees and thighs were making the runway
models jealous.

#womenshealth  #theonion
#howardstern    #bethsterncalendar


  1. Dear Beth-Man,

    I love how Stern has been working so hard to clean up his act and become "mainstream" going so far as to have his tapes team go back and rescrub his entire catalog of old show tapes every time the p.c. police ban a new word. Little does Stern (whose life is the epitome of the emperor in "The Emperor's New Clothes") know that he is a more despicable human being now than when he used to play anal ring toss and call everyone and everything a fag.

    This fleecing his fans for donations so that the no talent dummy he married can have her own life sized doll house where she can exploit cats for her own gain and feel important bossing around the help is sickening. The fact that he started this campaign right after he paid cash for $52 million dollar mansion is unconscionable.

    Stern is no role model and certainably should not be anyone's hero.

    I would like to close with an exact qoute from Howard Stern, "Can everyone just buy a calendar so we can get this damn thing built already?".

  2. Bravo Anonymous! Well said!

    Love you Beth Man!
