Monday, July 28, 2014

Howard & Beth vs Don & Deirdre

Imus's radio show is on the Fox Business
Channel along with Deirdre's Blonde on Blonde show.
Mothball radio will never be the same after Howard's tear this morning and resorting to lying as satellite radio claiming satellite radio has ratings when it doesn't, only subscribers, and free radio has real ratings along with real listeners across the nation. 

Jealous much, Howard?
On Howard's rarely live satellite radio show today, he was ranting about some comments made by the gorgeous and intelligent Deirdre Imus as she plainly told the truth, something about Howard being irrelevant and ugly. Well, isn't he? Howard can't take the truth, as he paraded in old lady Joan Rivers today to stroke his ego and make him feel young since she is 98 yrs old. Wow, Joan Rivers, I gotta pay Howard $30 a month just to hear an old bag scream about her new book and hear disgusting raunchy humor from a cadaver.

Then Howard got mad that Deirdre is on Imus's radio show which just happens to also be aired on the Fox Business cable channel and where is Howard TV? OH, thrown in the garbage since no one will finance that less than daily plug of his wife Bethie The Unemployable Pariah and don't forget Howard can brag about his job of grinning on TV between Snapple commercials judging a scripted game show.

Well, at least Don & Deirdre are doing something with their money, all Beth is doing is posing with kittens then stomping on them before dumping them onto foster homes so she can have a fresh batch of kittens delivered to her barren mom cave in the Hamptons.

Useless famehound couple donate a useless calendar featuring 12 photos of Beth to the North Shore Animal League (NSAL), while Howard Stern badgers the few listeners he has on mothball satellite radio to buy his wife's calendar to pay for a building at NSAL which is the charity that employs Beth. Then he has the nerve to badger his wealthy friends into giving Beth money so Stern doesn't have to pay for her clothes and rental cars while he pays cash for a Florida Mansion costing $52 million aside from funding three Trust funds for three other unemployable members on his payroll.

Beth has a job posing
 with animals at shelters
Well, Little Boy Howard Stern was a bit miffed, sob, sob, but what can you expect from Stern, he is a shock jock and that is all he will ever be and his unknown nobody wife is just a cat snatcher and has a severe handicap in that she needs a camera pointing at her football head everyday using cats as a front since not one person will hire the 155 lb 'model' who has to order special sizes off the Internet then try and have Ralph alter them so she can squeeze herself into pencil skirts, mostly, resorting to the standard gigantic A-Line huge dresses, in between, that is, ordering some clothes for the closet of Howard Stern who makes it no secret he enjoys wearing women's clothes. He's the one that should be parading in front of cameras, not Beth.

I mean, doesn't Don Imus know that Howard married a super famous Swiss Alps model? Even though Beth doesn't know the date or the name of this Swiss catalog she modeled for [probably for her Swiss cheese thighs], so far, we have some photos from New Jersy modeling installation and that's about it.

#swiss #skiwear #catalog #germany #marthastewart #joanrivers #nsal


  1. I was so sick of the ComicCon rerun shows on Mrs. Pretty’s mothball channels this weekend that I listened to Don Imus for the first time- and it wasn’t bad. Imus lets his guest talk and Imus does not talk about himself, talk about his parents, ask about the guest’s genitals, or try to psychoanalyze the guest. The guest was Joan Rivers and Imus was very fond of Joan and Joan said she loved Imus and his show. It’s funny that Howard didn’t know this when Joan was his guest today.

    1. Yes! Mrs. Pretty....and his boring shows...gotta hand it to Joan, nothing stops her from plugging her books...but it makes Howard mad. Imus can get any guest he wants and it's normally a pretty good interview.

  2. You go girl! You're on fire today with righteous indignation. As you should be. If Beth possesses one half Deirdre's IQ points, that's being charitable. How's about some more breadcrumbs for our sleuths pointing them in a helpful direction leading towards one defrocked molar manipulator's alleged side serving?

    1. Clever commenters get everything; but I like the fairytale about when a certain blonde High School girl left bread crumbs on the ground to find her way back home only to get free rides with certain over age males for food and finger...uh...never mind...I'll see what I can dig up, or bury...:)

  3. I listened to Imus' radio show during the time he married Deirdre and they had their child. It was never mandated that Deirdre be referred to as the "beautiful Deirdre C." Imus had a natural way of talking about their marriage - including how he begrudgingly accepted Deirdre's veganism and becoming vegan himself. I enjoyed hearing about the arrival of their son, Wyatt. It was all very natural and real in stark contrast to Howard who married someone simply because he thinks she's "hot" hoping that people will envy him.
    During Howard's rant about Dierdre, virtually everything he said about her applies in spades to his own wife. I almost wondered if he was projecting onto Deirdre, but that would mean he had a hint of self-awareness which I'm sure is wishful thinking ...
    You did a stellar (and hilarious) commentary about this subject. You spoke for a lot of us today!
