Saturday, June 28, 2014

Loving the D Life

As I have been reporting, Our Miss Fire has come full circle and is back to ground zero with the Howard Stern 112 Production Company. So here we go, hang on folks, Beth is moving too fast for us as she is up all night scrounging around for Twitter/Instagram content, I mean why bother. She has duplicative nothingness on both sites. Take a rest Beth, we all could use a break from watching your falling star.

Not sure if Beth is modeling her wig or that 10 dollar denim vest by Adam Levine's company. You remember, that desperate scientology-looking wigged wonder who is scrambling for publicity, suddenly he has to come up with a wife to clean up his image.

Isn't this the way with all of these stupid honors, lists, or awards? Just ask Howard how much he shells out to get his wife on any lists on the Internet. We know she isn't getting on any covers of magazines unless she is holding a cat since she's got some charity gimmick.

Maybe Beth can provide some insights on pre-nups. We know Beth was just gifted with an awesome denim jacket from the Adam Levine collection at K-Mart. I bet she gets to keep it in the divorce settlement although it looks like Howard's size.

#ds #adamlevine #cdan #hamptons #georgeclooney #amal #amalalamuddin #kmart

1 comment:

  1. Re that George Clooney item that his beloved wants $20 mil if they divorce -- no wonder Wiggy married a no-earner!
