Monday, June 16, 2014

Is Beth Sprained or Broken?

...well, apparently we don't know judging by that tap dance Howard Stern gave us today on his suddenly live satellite radio show. Doctors didn't seem to know either and such are the clues we got today from Howard about the Fall [or the tripping] of Beth Orstrosky at Richie Notar's new eatery in Sag Harbor.

It seems there were no witnesses to the event except Howard Stern. So, did this little stunt really happen, or not?

Okay, so trying to piece together this mini mystery, when the superstar couple were finished getting their picture taken at Harlow restaurant and satisfied they were securing a spot in the tabloid press, they were ready to leave the restaurant but allegedly Beth apparently needed a bulimic break and dashed to the ladies room. 

In the meantime, Howard spotted the Police Commissioner [Howard has bothered this man forever and his fat son is Bethie's buddy who is on Good Day New York], however, when Bethie emerged from the ladies room Howard saw that she tripped, but we don't know if she fell all the way down.

Beth emerging from the cursed ladies room from hell at Harlow restaurant

Howard insisted they document all this and raced to a hospital emergency room. Beth was photographed slumped in a wheelchair yet no photos exist of the alleged injured ankle...umm...did Howard just see The Lords of Salem on cable like me? Is Beth having the devil's baby? Will Howard spin a fake story that Beth lost her fake baby in the alleged accident in the restaurant?

Well, in the photo above, you can't really see the injured ankle or foot, but what I can see, there is no injury. So after Beth was examined by doctors Howard said the ankle might be sprained...okay, so upon visual inspection and x-rays, no doctor could diagnose any condition? It's called being a doctor for rich vanity patients that merely want to be sent home with a 2 gallon bottle of pain meds. 

And what happened to the High Priestess of Whirl magazine? Will she score another cover anytime soon? We remember she officiated over its 10th Anniversary black mass and Howard did all the psychotic photos for the issue.

Wonder what Howard thought of The Lords of Salem? I liked the ending when Sheri is turned into a Tarot card looking like the High Priestess. Sheri was awesome in this part, making faces, sleeping through half the film, then a bunch of doctors delivered her devil baby...but...well...I won't ruin the ending for you. Stellar film, no script, sparse dialogue, lots of visual stuff, good music, brainless fun.

Frugal RZ had Sheri wear his own sweater in The Lords of Salem

1 comment:

  1. Beth did post a picture of her overly bandaged ankle with blind Bella smelling her stinky toes.
