Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Yes, folks, check back often if you want a reality break during your workday and that includes Howard and Beth Stern, who are in desperate need of a reality break. All they can muster up lately in the way of publicity is getting on crackpot lists [funniest, sexiest, drab/fab, you name it and the Sterninskys are on it].

Here we go...I know there are lots of topics, but here are a few of my favorites that the Sterns love to spin and spin getting nowhere but back where they started, yes, Howard still has his flabby ass on the radio and Beth still has her flabby ass and falling implants on Twitter.

#1. Private Parts Part 2

Okay, this is my favorite. Howard keeps bringing this up on the air, or having someone ask him the question about when he will do a second film about his fairytale life story. Well, I am one of those who wants to see how Howard will spin the story detailing how he dumped his first wife, how his daughters get court-ordered jobs, and how he hooked up with a failed model trolling around the Letterman Show, followed by Howard Stern proposing marriage. Keep hoping Howard, that someone will finance your sequel to Private Parts 20 yrs later.

#2. Beth saves cats from killer tables at local municipal animal shelters

Too funny. Beth is a 45 year old grown woman who never heard of shelters that euthanize animals due to overpopulation. Does she preach spay and neutering? Does she promote ALL local no-kill animal shelters or just the one that pays her salary? Or just the shelter that prints a calendar featuring Beth's big giant face? Oh, I think we know that answer.

Besides all that, she will only save kittens, not puppies because Howard Stern refuses to have anymore dogs around his house since you cannot keep them in cages, they have to be housebroken and walked every day. He also doesn't want his own dog since he no longer has those court ordered visits with his youngest daughter. That was the reason Bianca the Bulldog existed since the kid wanted a dog and hopefully it would keep her entertained while dad surfed the net for porno videos that he talks about all the time on his radio show. 

Kittens are okay because Beth poses with a bunch of different ones to match her $5,000 leather purses, shoes, and her adorable kiddie wear as she dons various wigs pondering whether to dye her hair orange to match the orange tabby cat she was fostering...she is either on lockdown or...well I can't think of another option. 

Ha ha, foster my ass...she is posing with these kittens then dumping them onto foster homes. In any event, Beth can just let dogs burn in hell which is bizarre since she states in many of her printed biographies all over the Internet that when she opened her eyes after being born her first sight was of the family dog which makes one wonder if Beth was hatched at home and not at a hospital. But that's when her love of dogs started [not to mention the hilarious pro tips about how to get a guy to let you move a dog together...] I guess THIS LITTLE NUGGET BETH was HOME BIRTHED or home delivered from the local prison where her real mother had to give up the giant fat baby for adoption and saw a dog and could not have cared less. 

#3. Beth can't get over the death of her dog

Bianca the dead dog is being carried out as a long saga with no content and is just an excuse to get the public to pay Beth's salary because Howard Stern is tired of funding his sinkhole, his swamp land, and his depression era marriage. Yes, Beth asks for money so she can get her name on a building at the charity that employs her to be irritating and dance around the animal cages. So here we go with the endless kittens for publicity, go Beth go, not one person will photograph you unless you are holding a kitten on your face. Beth should be stopped from such animal abuse, but that should be Howard's job and he wants nothing to do with her except stomping on her foot at fancy restaurants throwing her into a limo and sending her to the ER while Howard dashes home ALONE back to the city. Diversion, diversion, from what Howard is really up to...and it's pasting Matt Lauer's face onto porno pictures to get him to have dinner with him and let Beth on his show dragging some poor DOGS with her...oh right, cats are no good for television, they will scratch Bethie and run and have to be thrown in a cage.

#4. Howard Stern was not banned from appearing on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Howard claims he was banned when he was just not asked back since he doesn't do anything and has nothing to promote. I saw two appearances, one was when Stern announced his book Private Parts will be made into a film. After all the laughter died down, Jay asked Howard if that was a true story. Howard said, yes, well, I could hardly hear the rest of the interview because Jay was laughing so hard at Stern spinning a tale. Then there was the time Stern brought on his lesbian girlfriends and tried to literally take over the taping of the show. Jay had to walk off the stage to get Stern to stop his boorish, childish, painfully unfunny bit and that was the end of that. He was dumped back onto Letterman, where he immediately came on the show in his best drag outfit from his closet to promote that horrendous second book, Miss America. Howard appeared numerous times on the Letterman show in various drag queen outfits.

Well, that's it for now, time for a blogger break, and time to let big headed Bethie back on her Instagram tear where she constantly praises herself for posing with cats.

No more E Channel, no more Howard TV, no more Beth. 
She now primarily brags by telephone and skates in
 for a random appearance that is taped and 
uploaded to the Stern show website.


  1. I do not understand the bizarre logic of Beth O and Howard regarding why no kittens, cats, puppies, or dogs should ever be euthanized. Why does the world need more pets? Howard believes human babies should die via abortion, but all pets must live. I had a lovely cat when I was a child but when he was old he had kidney problems and the vet said it was time to end my pet’s suffering. I didn’t ask for a kidney transplant for a 14 year old cat. I am not trying to have a home for animals built and named after Barnaby the tuxedo cat. I would have a crumb of respect for Beth if she would put her efforts into a worthy cause to actually help those in need instead of a phony cause to promote herself.

    1. Good comments, Elisa. We know it's because all Howard could get Beth was NSAL. She can't keep bothering hospitals and parading around the hallways with a camera crew. NSAL is also the path of least resistance for Howard Stern. He does not want to put forth any effort, or any dollars, towards any real charities, whether it be for animals or people. He is rich enough to donate to many causes, but his only cause is getting Beth O out of his wig and pestering someone else instead of him. Too many production problems and expenses go into getting a TV show for Beth, so now the show is in her own home, in the form of adopting those kittens, and photographing herself everyday.

    2. Thank you Beth Man! I saw a national TV ad about Ellen DeGeneres’ pet charity and her natural pet food called Halo. Beth must be green with envy because all she has is that lousy NSAL that no one cares about unless they are throwing a big party with free alcohol.
