Sunday, December 22, 2024

Year End Cat Clearinghouse 🐈🐈😺🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛

The Facelift & Filler Twins were dumping cats as posted on Beth Stern's Instagram show and you know Howard Stern is super desperate if he is in the limo with Beth dumping those cats with her so he can claim year-end tax benefits for his huge overpriced corporate shell houses and to pay for those limo rides to shuttle him back and forth to the city. 

I mean, Howard has never even hired a real decorator to furnish his Florida Mystery House that still stands nearly empty save for a few rooms Beth stuffs a few cats in and counts that place as an animal tax shelter when it's actually a reptile ranch overrun by those little Godzillas that carry all kinds of diseases and would love one of her little feral kittens as an in between meal snack. 

Yes, the 'Cheapinskys' Howard and Beth have always claimed the treks to their various posh properties are all animal rescue missions and the gas and mileage is tax deductible because they always stuff a feral feline in the limo.

Howard's done this since they instituted their two foundations Bianca's Furry Friends [in conjunction with the North Shore Animal League] and their own selfie foundation Beth's Furry Friends - both BFFs to confuse people into thinking the money goes to charity when the charity is the Sterns' bank account where they spend the dough on their facelifts and fillers claiming they are public personalities and need to keep up appearances so the plastic surgery is business related expenses.

Not sure I see enough tight, pulled back and lasered skin here, with both of them wearing makeup making Howard look extremely feminine. That's why he normally hides his face in Beth's Instagram photos because he has a red face from all the laser peels and dots on his face from the hair transplants to plug into his face and head because he's allegedly turning female due to alleged prostate cancer treatments and can no longer grow normal facial hair.


Don't we all love our horses? Yes, we do .......

#dawgshed #howardstern #christmas #party #taxwriteoff #animalshelter #cheapinskys
#shelterisland #florida #kenny #southpark #horsie #teeth #facefiller #botox