Thursday, September 19, 2024

Noel Clare Ostrosky Friend JP Sears Stern 🦬🍳🔥

Everyone is buzzing about the latest Howard Stern paid stunt he pulled to get the headlines he craves and it worked.

Howard is getting attention on cable TV shows, YouTube channels and Rumble rants because Howard is quoted as saying that he does not hate Donald Trump, he hates anyone who votes for him. He further stated that anyone who likes Trump, he demanded they stop listening to his satellite radio show.

Old man Stern can stir it up and because he is not very bright but can be bought cheap, and some political strategists are going cheap by buying a rant from Howard Stern on his rarely live stale Sirius satellite radio show to trash Trump.

But add to the mix is that Beth Ostrosky Stern's 'cousin' [cough, cough, cough] Noel Clare Ostrosky is friends with JP Sears who sears Stern in his own Rumble rant with excerpts uploaded to his YouTube Channel.

How is this being handled in the Stern household? Who is reportedly having a FIT over Sears searing Howard over hot coals and roasting him over an open fire?  Hey, Beth, your little girl is in hot water and maybe you had better tell her to drop the carnivore bit at Roam Ranch and think about heading south of the border to avoid ticking of Howard anymore than he already is with his frizzy weave in a knot over this whole debacle. I mean, he never expected to be seared by his little 'niece' Noel Ostosky's friend, did he?

‘He’s changed’: Trump hits out at former ally 
Howard Stern for ‘going woke’


Gustaf Kilander
September 19, 2024 at 1:47 PM
Emphasis added by the Beth Fan Page:

"Donald Trump has gone after Howard Stern for turning on the former president in recent years, something Trump has blamed on the radio show host becoming 'woke.' 
Trump appeared on the Fox News late-night show Gutfeld! on Wednesday evening where he was shown a clip of the radio host and several other celebrities lambasting the former president.
'I don't hate the guy,' Stern said of Trump. “I hate the people who vote for him. I think they're stupid. I do. I'll be honest with you, I have no respect for you.' 
'I was on Howard Stern’s show as much as anybody,' the former president said on the Fox program. 'He was great at that time, and then he went woke. And since he’s gone woke his ratings have gone down the tubes. And he sort of went anti-Trump for a couple of reasons.'
'I was on his show a lot,' Trump told host Greg Gutfeld. 'Did you ever see the ... Best of Howard Stern? I don't want to promote it necessarily, but I was there for just about all of them ... We had good shows. It was good, but he's changed. And, you know, he doesn't do the ratings anymore'."

YES, Howard Stern had to go to a pay radio service where it's impossible to have actual ratings because people pay for a service, not for one show. No one is paying solely to hear Stern's stale political rants. He is on a pay service. If he went independent, like he tried with Howard TV on a cable network, where subscribers could add his channel to their cable package, no one did, Howard TV disappeared in a few years and no one picked up the contract to air it anywhere ever again.

Screenshot below is from the 12-30-2022 Beth Fan Page blog entry:

JP visits Roam Ranch where Noel Clare O works in promotion promoting
their animal organ vitamins and an all meat diet when Howard and Beth
pretend to be 'almost vegan' to quote Beth herself from her IG.

JP Sears Stern
Where's Noel Clare O?

Noel Clare, Beth's self-proclaimed 'cousin' [ha ha], is a self-proclaimed carnivore and works at Roam ranch where they will slaughter a buffalo for you onsite and they prep it for customers to take home. 

This is JP Sears' YouTube Channel where he uploaded excerpts from his Rumble rant about Howard Stern's comments against Donald Trump and anyone who votes for him. Did Howard expect this from his darling little 'niece' Noel's friend?? Uh, short answer, no, and alleged insiders are saying Stern is stewed because of being seared.

The following transcript is provided by YouTube. 
Highlighted text is by the Beth Fan Page.

JP Sears:

“Howard Stern, ladies and gentlemen, we've had Hillary Clinton on the show already so because we're apparently doing uh people who are irrelevant but still think their voice matters let's get to Howard Stern.

Uh this is coming from a guy who's very vaccinated very dedicated to being a strong advocate for the party of love and unity have this to say breaking, ‘Howard Stern says he hates anyone who votes for Donald Trump in November and demands they stop listening to his radio show’.

What's your reaction, that's good for business that's very inclusive that's very loving for him to literally say he hates over half our country. Boy, Howard, uh it seems like our country has uh not really been showing you a lot of love. Is the feeling mutual? I don't know so anyone who hates Trump he demands they stop listening to his hey stop listening to Howard Stern he demanded it. 

Talk about a guy who is a complete worshipping puppet of tyrants he's adopting their language. ‘I demand you stop listening to my show’. Howard, the only way you can demand anyone and stop anyone from listening to your show is you stop doing your show you idiot. I demand you peasants to stop listening to my show. All right.

Howard, uh, news flash most people already have stop listening to your show but it's great to see you in your permed women's hair uh making demands that's great this is a this is a brave guy by the way he's a good role model didn't leave his house for apparently about two years because uh he had so much fear about Covid. I mean, Covid was out there ravishing 0.00001% of our population of the people dying of it 94% had four or more co-morbidities, I mean that that's basically everyone that it was killing so it was definitely enough to frighten Howard turn into being so scared that he didn't leave his house for two years but that's great coming from a guy who on air in his prime would just in my opinion unethically and morally praise the degeneracy of women and men have them do degenerate acts on air. 

So, wow, Howard based on your track record I definitely want to listen to you. Uh, tell me what else to do Howard, turn my guns in, absolutely surrender my right to freedom of speech, for sure I will because you said so Howard, you matter, you're relevant, you have so much authority because you're such a principled person, uh by the way thank you for everything you said about the unvaccinated, you're killing everybody yeah they're selfish we should have a separate Society for them. 

Howard you are a principled person by the way and I'm sure it's just a coincidence that you have been doing the bidding of the pharmaceutical industry who own the record for having to pay the largest criminal fine in US history $2.3 billion. Pfizer gets first place on that but you doing their bidding it certainly appears to the uneducated eye that you're nothing more than a corporate sellout who has sold what you stand for which back in your heyday seemed like nothing but now it seems like you stand for less than nothing based on those principles that I know you have.

I know it's just an Illusion, just you appear to be standing for nothing I think it's just a big coincidence because I know uh a man like you Howard is a man of honor and principle that many young men can aspire to be like and in fact Howard here's an alternative opinion. It's possible that you are a piss poor example of what young man should be like but maybe you'd be a better example of what one what young women should strive to be like. Scared, helpless and wanting someone else to protect them. I think uh women deserve that you seem to demand it, protect me from these ravaging Trump supporting people who sit there thinking different things than me protect me from the unvaccinated protect me from a virus that gives most people either no symptoms or like a mild cold someone protect me. 

Howard it is very womanly of you to be so scared demanding protection you are a powerful example not to all women but mostly just the weakest of women I do hope they strive to be more like you, you already have the haircut of a woman and not a beautiful woman an ugly woman and Howard I want you to know this I'm probably not going to vote for Kamala and it's not because she's a woman it's because she's a stupid woman which is exactly what you appear to be as well. 

Thank you, Howard Stern, not that I have an opinion on that but that's my take on Howard Stern's recent statement about hating anyone who's voting for Trump and demanding Trump supporter stopped listening to his show. Dude, that would have stopped a long time ago you idiot. What he talks about and what he advocates it's way more pleasant to listen to nails scratching on a chalkboard.”

JP Sears called Howard a weak stupid ugly 
woman with a woman's permed hair!!!

Here's Wednesday's Stern Show Transcribed Excerpts

#dawgshed #howardstern #donaldtrump #trump #jpsears #awakenwithjp
#noel #noelo #bethostrosky #bethhasapregnantpauseinhertimeline
#noelclareostrosky #aol #roamranch #buffalo #notvegan #neitherarethesterns

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