Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Stern Stumbles - Today's Show Taped Sunday?

I guess it could be due to Howard's scriptwriters, but big bulletin here, Howard, today is not April 28, it's May 1.

On today's Howard Stern SiriusXM satellite radio show, he stated that TODAY is the 10-year anniversary of the Billy Joel Sirius Town Hall that he and Robin Quivers hosted. The problem is, the Town Hall was not on May 1, 2014, it was on April 28, 2014. 

Obviously, this proves today's Stern show was taped on Sunday, April 28, because no one, including Robin, corrected him about the date. 

Yeah, Howard, this blogger has said since you started with Sirius, that your show is rarely live and you keep validating this blogger at every turn.

Billy Joel Town Hall Revisited

Yes, we remember this Town Hall where everyone crowded in to see Billy Joel. The reason it could not be held at the Sirius New York studios like all the other ones was because Howard has to be filmed in a dark nightclub type setting. He is extremely vain and conceited and cannot face it that his face has fallen and it took a team of surgeons and two separate operations to give him a full facelift then maintenance procedures after that. 

That's why he keeps gluing more weave pieces onto that head to hide his enormous bald pulled back hairline, like how Ellen DeGeneres looks. The whole entire face is pulled back and meets at the crown, so they have to wear weaves and wigs to hide that huge balding head due to a pulled back hairline and Howard's eyebrows are now placed too high up on his forehead. So, that's why Howard is always photographed in a dark setting with CGI film and tons of weird pancake makeup he wears.

We love seeing Beth's cursed right side where her nose looks like WC Fields and that chin juts out more on the right side than on the left.

Here's Today's Transcribed Stern Show Excerpts

#dawgshed #robertplant #jimmypage #billyjoel #thecuttingroom #cuttingroom
#townhall #siriusxm #judyostrosky #judy #beth #howardstern #bethostern
#jenniferwitz #joebiden #bidenbitesitonstern #bidentakesthebait

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