Monday, April 1, 2024

All of Them Witches

The Daily Mail caught a coven escaping from a plastic surgeon's office trying to hide their faces from prying paparazzi.

Jennifer Aniston looked like a giant witch who was getting those screws tightened on her pulled back jawline and fat sucked out of her sagging neck. 

Sandra Bullock was with her hiding behind giant sunglasses as their troll handmaiden helped the crones get into a waiting vehicle. The hagatha is Paul Anka's daughter who is married to their friend Jason Bateman. He and his sister Justine sure married up, and are rolling in the dough.

Daily Mail Catches the Coven

Jennifer Aniston and Sandra Bullock were spotted leaving a well-known Connecticut plastic surgery office on Wednesday with Jason Bateman's wife Amanda Anka.  

All three ladies were together as they departed The Retreat At Split Rock which is located in Greenwich, Connecticut. The retreat specializes in expert upper and lower face lifts, which cost about $50,000 to $100,000 each as well as brow and eye lifts that hover around $30,000 each.

'It is a private fully accredited surgical facility,' notes the website.

They were specifically seen exiting Dr Neil A Gordon's office. He oversees the facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. His specialty is 'facial rejuvenation and rhinoplasty,' according to his site, but injectables such as Botox and Kybella are also offered. A full face of Botox can cost around $3,000 while Kybella is more expensive at $6,000.

The Los Angeles residents certainly traveled far to look into what Dr Gordon has to offer, and he must be the best in his field as Beverly Hills is chock-a-block with well-known plastic surgeons like Dr Garth Fisher and Dr Paul Nassif who could have done the work without the added travel expense.

All three ladies dressed casually for their trip which looked to be a case of 'surgery tourism.'

The "Practical Magic" Magus was with 'Sister' Aniston whose jawline
is pulled back so tight I doubt she can move it but I am sure she'll have her 
tannis root smoothie so she doesn't have to chew food.

Looks like Amanda Anka needs to make an appointment for her sagging face.

Is this Alec Baldwin as "The Shadow" or Jennifer Aniston hiding her
facelift from photogs?

Kate's Comeback

Everyone was glad to see the Palace is making up for the deep fake video they put out of Kate Middleton that was taped by the BBC, by having Kate make an appearance for Easter Sunday. How nice was that?

Kate looked a bit stiff from being ill, but the Palace released this photo of Kate
with her Lady in Waiting on March 31, 2024, outside Windsor castle ahead
of the Easter Service held at the castle. 

All of them witches? We loved Kate in her Rosemary's Baby dress with her baby
and it's sad that apparently, she won't have anymore coven kids for the crown
following her surgery and bout with cancer.

Witches Anonymous

How fitting that Hilaria Baldwin hosted a podcast with a descendant from the Salem witches who is as boring as hell providing you think hell would be boring, but Hilaria's podcast lasted a hot minute and was kicked off the air because she whines and complains about how women need to support women yet her podcast amazingly had zero content. In the meantime, her husband Alec Baldwin shot up the set of "Rust" and was shelved so Hilaria's witches' brew went up in smoke. Yes, "Rust" has been completed and they are waiting for a launch date and wooden bullets were used on the set since they were banned from using anything real on that set because all the lawsuits had yet to be settled.

Hilaria and Miss Salem Witch whined at each other about how women
need to support women with women guests reading from a boring script
 as one wonders what this snorefest was all about except to make Hilaria famous
while her husband Alec faces a million lawsuits and maybe jailtime after
shooting up "Rust" for real.

Howard Tries to One-Up Barbra but Fails

Howard tried to scramble with a story on his satellite radio show today about his Easter weekend saying how one of his unnamed daughters was there for a visit while it's really Barbra Streisand who is one of the luckiest people in the world all year round what with having a cute and talented son who can sing and releases records that don't require an exorcist after you play the songs like Howard's 6' daughter Emily with her recordings of her singing her selfie written poetry that sends books flying around the room and priests grabbing for their crucifixes.

Where's Howard's daughters making a public display on social media expressing their
deep love for their daddy? Nowhere.

Another Canned Ham with Their Own Biopic

Just like with Brookie Shields' "Pretty Baby" another canned ham does their own biopic all about themselves now that they're old and over, Steve Martin has a biopic "STEVE! (Martin) A Documentary in 2 Pieces" streaming now and the screening was in New York on March 30, 2024 with David Letterman hosting the event along with other people and we didn't see where Howard Stern was invited. Everyone knows Howard is badgering Ali Wentworth to do a biopic about him produced by her BedBy8 production company but so far, Howard won't cough up any dough to fund it. 

Beth was in Florida for Easter while Howard was in New York feeding his kid cabbage from her Easter basket

Ali Wentworth was placating Beth on Easter by taking one of her bunnies off the burner.

Here's Today's Transcribed Stern Show Excerpts

#dawgshed #howardstern #rosszapin #birthday #easter #bruce #brucesprinsteen
#robinquivers #bethostern #polo #ralphlauren #ralph #preppy #amazon #kate
#palace #windsor #hilariabaldwin #alecbaldwin #rust #witches #rosemarysbaby
#rabbits #aliwentworth #bedby8 #stevemartin #davidletterman

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