Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Frankenstein Beth

On today's Howard Stern SiriusXM satellite radio show, he brought up an old movie called "Frankentstein 1970" although it came out in 1958. 

It was about how Dr. Frankenstein is now older and needs dough to continue his Frankenstein experiments to create another monster, so he rents out his family castle to a film crew who take up his offer to film their movie at the castle for authentic atmosphere. 

He then begins to create his Frankenstein monster using pieced together body parts from his own butler and the film crew of the movie.

Howard and his wife Beth Ostrosky Stern have endured just about as much Frankenstein plastic surgery procedures as Cher at this point, what with Howard's two nose jobs, facelift, chin implant, nips and tucks, Botox bump-ups, laser skin peels, etc.

But no one looks more pieced together than Beth, I mean, she was born looking like that, it's not just her fat nose job, she's got bigger issues. I mean, I've said it several times on this blog how her weird body parts don't match, they are askew and weird and Howard knows this because most of the photos he takes of Beth are at bizarre angles trying to hide her giant banana head, crossed eyes, fat nose and huge horse teeth, her huge upper thighs and short calves with big feet, the big feet part is the only body part Beth will admit is flawed, not the rest of her freakish proportions and Frankenstein facelifts and Botox blow-ups.

That's why Howard set up his own photography studio because professional photoshoppers were getting too expensive, so Howard just uses his iPhone and struggles with Adobe photoshop and calls it a day. Then he shops the photos around to PR agents trying to get them plugged into publicity pieces he ghostwrites for tabloids.

Gyllenhaal Does Stern's bidding plugging the North Shore Animal League

Oh gee, what a giant coincidence that Jake did a giant promo for Beth's little charity the North Shore Animal League (NSAL) that pays her as their useless spokesperson and board member and where Beth also gets donated funds from the joint venture Bianca's Furry Friends with NSAL. Then Jake gets stuck with Stern once again. That Howard is a bastard cashing in on celebs parading through NSAL and having to get stuck doing the Stern show but it's either get it over with or Howard will badger these celebs with his telephone terrorism and emails forever so they give in and get stuck on that couch having to plug their dumb movies on the Stern show.

3-20-24, Jake gets Stuck With Stern and had to do his
show as one wonders how he got cornered into shilling
for NSAL and now having to put up with the Sterns.

Here's Today's Transcribed Stern Show Excerpts

#dawgshed #afn #howardstern #robertplant #plantsnotpotted #frankenstein1975
#bethostern #bethostrosky #jake #jakegyllenhaal #siriusxm #satelliteradio

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