Friday, February 9, 2024

Howard the Hairy Old Buzzard?

Yes, according to columnist James Lileks from the Star Tribune in an article dated January 21, 2024, Howard is a hairy old buzzard. What a fitting description.

Lileks detailed the problems he had with canceling his streaming services and of course SiriusXM is right there where you battle it out with a human bot from a foreign land while the Sirius app keeps pushing that stale Howard Stern show in everyone's faces. 

Everyone knows Howard and his pigeons bug the hell out of everyone at Sirius to push his app, as if he's a big selling point for the flailing satellite company. I guess no one is bothering to mention their hilarious bumbling of buying the Conan O'Brien Radio broadcast on Sirius. Wonder who got fired for that debacle. 

Martine Rothblatt [Stern's trans friend and benefactor] and Leon Black [private equity broker who allegedly stalled a Senate investigation into Jeffrey Epstein] bailed after dropping the Stern bomb on Sirius and no one can cancel his stale show because of the contract they brokered for Stern for as long as Sirius remains in business. 

All that can be hoped for is that he somehow violates his contract or his boss Jennifer Witz makes his job so horrible he quits and runs into the woods never to be heard from again. We are all waiting for Stern to go independent but even he's not that stupid. He knows Mariann from Brooklyn and his paid staff pigeons that constantly repeat his bullshit stories and get them press released trying to keep his name relevant even during his scheduled days off, can't keep his career afloat.

Why is it hard to dump streaming subscriptions?

Star Tribune
James Lileks
January 21, 2024

Excerpts [emphasis added by the Beth Fan Page]:

It was too much Howard Stern that finally drove our columnist from SiriusXM.

The only thing left to cancel was SiriusXM, the satellite radio service. A while ago I wrote here about how I halved my bill by just suggesting I might cancel, but this time I was ... well, Siriusly canceling. Why? Because they'd redesigned the app and the website, making it unusable.

Now every time I open the app it gives me the opportunity to listen to Howard Stern. I do not want to listen to him. I do not want to look at him. I'm not particularly happy about living in a culture that still has space for this hairy old buzzard.

The app also wants me to check out some channels filled with music I do not like, inasmuch as it is not actually music but a series of flatulatory bass notes over which a tinny voice is boasting about his inestimable accomplishments.

It takes two or three or four taps to find what I want. My "favorites" are now called "library," which is as intuitive as calling your "friends" your "dormitory."

It is a complete failure, and judging from online forums, people feel as if their favorite meal-delivery service started dropping off bags of plague rats. Everyone has the same question: Did they not test this on actual people? I don't think so. They may have tested it on rocks, or anesthetized mollusks.

So I decided to cancel. It would be more sensible to spend the $10 on a hammer, and hit myself in the head with it once a month.

You wonder if anyone in the company is paying attention to the fuss: "Hmm. So. We roll out a new concept, and within a fortnight customers who've been with us for decades rage-quit en masse. Could there be a connection?

"Nah. They probably all died. That's it. They died before the app came out, and the survivors are just getting around to canceling."

Alas, you cannot cancel without "chatting" with some overworked fellow on the other side of the planet who's handling 27 other chat windows at the same time. It took 37 minutes. I was offered a low-low-low package — 26 cents a decade, and Howard Stern personally calls you up and reads transcripts of the show — but I replied, "No. No. NO. LET ME GO, I BEG OF YOU."   - Interesting - this must be a shout out to the famous Beth Fan Page exclusive Stern show transcripts.

Whereupon the retention agent texted, somewhat huffily, that it was his duty to inform me of these special rates.

His duty. As if they took an oath. As if there's some fellow awake in the dark at 2 a.m., sitting in the kitchen with a glass of whiskey and a cigarette, thinking about how he'd let that guy cancel after 17 minutes on hold, didn't tell him about the special offer where you can get all the music channels for a dollar a year except Howard Stern gets to live in your spare room. Full disclosure: He has gas issues, lots of gas issues, but it's the best deal we'll have all year. Didn't say a word. He'd let himself down. He'd let them all down. He had a duty, dammit.

If I were king of the forest, I'd pass a law that said all subscription services must have a web page with a big red CANCEL button you can hit at any time. It would keep them on their toes. They could see exactly what it was the customer was using that made them bail.

(With an exemption for newspaper columnists, of course.)

Shows on Sirius Get Stuck in Beth's Bowl

Beth Stern managed two appearances today to plug the Great American Rescue Bowl airing on the Great American Family channel, which is also sponsored by the charity that pays Beth a salary as their useless spokesperson and board member, the North Shore Animal League. A press release claims that three cats were rescued from the Hawaii fires and were flown to New York which sounds unbelievable. I wonder who flew three cats from Hawaii to the New York area inferring that the other animals I guess died or were rehomed already. Who knows with Beth's charity.

Beth appeared on two affiliates of Sirius that air shows on that satellite company, the Today Show [Channel 108] and CNN [Channel 116]. As blogged about, Kelly Clarkson also has a channel on Sirius and was recently interviewed by Howard but she snubbed Beth and promoted Animal Planet's Puppy Bowl instead.

The Today Show and CNN are on SiriusXM and that's how
Howard got Beth booked on 2-9-24 to promote the Great
American Family Rescue Bowl that will air on Super Bowl Sunday.

As usual when in an uncontrolled environment, Beth wears a huge granny dress
 to cover up her huge chunky legs and fat ass when candid cameras are everywhere.
Only on her Instagram Show will she show herself almost butt naked in photos
from her famous Hamptons photoshop & airbrush studio.

Beth got bumped to the third hour of the Today Show with Al Roker who
always does Howard's bidding and got Beth a 4-minute segment. Beth could
not get any of the cats interested in reaching the goal post so she grabbed two
cats and lurched across the field with them.

Beth's Fashion Week Avoidance Week

New York Fashion Week has begun and runs through next week just when Howard scheduled his shows to be broadcast from the Miami Sirius studios - this is not coincidental nor out of his control. He can schedule his stale shows anytime he wants and broadcast from Miami anytime he wants but he chose to do it during New York Fashion Week to save face that Beth can no longer score a ticket to the front row of any fashion show. Last time he broadcasted his show from Miami it was because of the Met Gala on May 1 in New York and Howard scheduled his Miami shows the week of May 1 because Beth is always snubbed for the Met Gala. So it was off to Miami for her Miami Hotel Fashion Show to placate the selfie model who can't score a ticket to any important society or fashion evernts. She used to do selfie porch fashion shows from her Florida empty fortress as a diversion from New York Fashion week where she's been snubbed since 2017. She had to end those with the reptile invasion of her Florida empty shell house where the entire property is overrun with those little Godzillas.

Glorilla should marry Steve Grillo, the former Stern show intern.
She was spotted on 2-9-24 attending the Tommy Hilfiger show during
New York Fashion Week as Beth Stern is shuttled off to Miami
with Howard who will broadcast from there next week to save face that Beth
can't score a ticket anymore to New York fashion week.

Sophie Sumner attends the Christian Siriano fashion show during New York
Fashion Week: The Show at the Plaza Hotel, 2-8-24. Where was Beth? Nowhere.

Keeping Up with the Savior of Sirius

Andy Cohen was spotted at the Off-Broadway opening of "Oh, Mary" a comedy about the apparently deranged Mary Todd Lincoln featuring a grotesque portrayal of the First Lady in the days leading up to the President's assassination. Andy is always where the action is making sure he gets press wherever he goes.

Busy Philipps [left] who is starting to look like Billy Philipps [they can't hide it
when they age], Amy Sedaris and Andy Cohen at the "Oh, Mary" 
Off-Broadway opening, 2-8-24.

Chalamet GPS Update

Superstar Chalamet is promoting his movie "Dune: Part Two" so we should be getting more deliciously gorgeous photos scattered across the Internet of this rising superstar.

#dawgshed #startribune #star #siriuxm #logo #starlogo #dogisgone #howardstern
#conanobrien #loserobrien #cnn #todayshow #today #morningshow #alroker
#dune #timotheechalamet #andycohen #radioandy #ohmary #superbowl #catbowl
#rescuebowl #greatamericanfamily

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