
Friday, November 7, 2014

Fists For Freedom

Uncensored commercials,
uncensored plugs for Beth,
and uncensored history

rewrites from Howard.
At least now we see where the WebMD doctors came up with their lewd brown fisting statue pulling a giant you-know-what out of someone's butt, they copied Howard Stern's black fisting logo representing his failed career on satellite radio. 

Happy Seal Beth can clap on stage
showing off her fake tan and combover
for an audience of gay doctors
supported by Howard Stern and his
doctor/patient fetish.
So where is Superstar fister Bethie's cover of WebMD magazine? Isn't she married to the biggest you-know-what sticking it up everyone asses as he produces a shitty show for radio and races home to pocket his salary as he obsesses over his bank book everyday laughing all the way to the Hamptons to visit his resident medical specimen that fails to launch, including all her little specimens in jars and stuck on her wedding dress that is behind a glass case having to be kept warm so the bacteria can grow and fade the stains off the backside of the dress since Mrs. Stern can't stay vertical for more than a few hours at one time and she's rolling on the floor with her passed out photos of herself since Howard has a cadaver fetish and Beth has a dead career, so it all works out.

So Robin was not invited to host the WebMD awards? She seems to be in the camp of SiriusXM and Hoda Koba from the Today Show [which is now on SiriusXM] while Bethie is strictly Sirius with Martha Stewart, since she was the one that welcomed Stern to the Sirius company before the merger. 

Well, both the vegan cookies, cake and ice cream diet and the animal fat diet make you equally fat so what is the point really, but another photo op for Beth to pretend she is famous and get her picture on the Internet, big deal, right Howard? Oh, Howard is back to ground zero [he needs his own freedom tower] and back to nothing with that big deal Beth and needs new ideas to emerge out of the rubble of her non existent career.

Animal flesh and butter diet felon gets an award from a bunch of corporate doctors pushing tons of meds onto the public and health care systems with tons of investment kickbacks into their bank accounts. 

Meanwhile, back at the barren ghost ranch with Beth trying to make her fat bully son Yoda famous with his own book with the parents, Howard & Beth gracing the back cover, or undercover, or however the hell you identify their relationship, as Beth posted a 2 second video of Yoda demonstrating his fathering skills with a new foster kitten. The video cuts off right before Yoda swats the kitten off his cat tree [photo, left].

When will Howard Stern get his award for world's best dad for fathering Yoda the Cat who fathers kittens before Beth selfies them to death and a real rescue group rescues them from the clutches of Beth?

Beth and Howard do not care about the turkey slaughter each Thanksgiving as turkeys make horrible photo shoot props. Howard & Beth gobble up all the turkey meat they can stuff into their aged facelifts hoping some animal fat protein will stick to their saggy waistlines.


  1. what kind of balding animal advocates wear leather on a book to help animals? I mean, I think you can be an animal advocate and still eat meat (perhaps eating less meat than usual or advocating for the proper humane killing methods) but to wear leather on the back cover for a book about animals is still kinds wrong. Why not just wear FUCKING FUR BETH AND HOWARD?
    Beth-man will you be pleasing us by using xmas colors on the blog since Jew Howard celebrates xmas now? Perhaps a trip down memory lane making fun of Howard's past xmas cards is in order (esp the crazy cat lady and howard/tranny/cross dressing one) lol

    1. Agree; Beth and Howard do not equate animal rescue with wearing leather, etc., or eating meat or fish; they only seem to care about cats and dogs since they make easy photo props. To answer your questions: no and no. Sorry Jess, tough love.

    2. I was hoping you'd go festive with your blog background perhaps red with Beth's crazy cat woman Christmas card as the background lol hahahahahaha. I like how Howard now celebrates Christmas!
