Thursday, March 20, 2025

From Pigs to Pitbulls 🐷🐕

Since this blogger pointed out that Tulum, Mexico, is known for their pig poop beaches where feral pigs roam, Beth posted a photo on her Instagram show of her on a rooftop of the Hotel Esencia Mansion resort in Tulum, Mexico, the pitbull belonging to Justin Theroux.

The entire staged wedding was a show put on by Justin and his nobody bride and sponsored by the jeweler who did their boring wedding rings and Victoria Beckham who wanted the free publicity for her staged gown she designed for the bride who has a weirdly shaped face and head but at least she didn't have to invest in those riot black glued-on $cientology wigs that Justin and Howard Stern wear.

The wedding party had to admit defeat that the winds were too strong on the beach so they hoofed it inland under the palm tree canopies with lights for the wedding ceremony and dinner that was held on Saturday evening. 

As blogged about before [BFP 3-14-20], Beth herself posted the pig beach photos from Tulum when the Horninskys went there for a freebie stay in December 2019 because they struck a deal with Closer magazine to feature the resort and plug it to hell since that about sums up your stay there.

As blogged about on March 17, 2025, the Horninskys crowded into Justin Theroux's wedding to an actress because they were a plus-one couple with Jimmy and Molly Kimmel. The Sterns do nothing unless it's with the Kimmels since they are stuck with the Sterns and there seems to be no way out unless Jimmy quits his late night talk show and changes all his contact information.

I enlarged the photo so you could see Beth and Howard and Jimmy is on the
 right in the full photo on the left.

#dawgshed #howardstern #tulum #justin #kuma #jimmykimmel #becomingledzeppelin #kimmel #justintheroux #victoria #victoriabeckham #esencia #mexico

Monday, March 17, 2025

Stern Snubbed by The Alto Knights 🛡️🗽🎥🍿

Howard and Beth Stern were a plus-one couple tagging along with Jimmy and Molly Kimmel to Justin Theroux's wedding in Tulum, Mexico, over the weekend so Howard would have an excuse not to be on the air because he has to pretend he is too popular to do a major SiriusXM Town Hall with the Hollywood Kingpin Robert DeNiro.

Howard had talked up going to a destination wedding because he was getting the big boot off the SiriusXM Town Hall yet couldn't name the people who were getting married because it was still up the air if he could crash the event or not.

Howard had to horn in on something due to the major snubola by the two-time Oscar winner Robert DeNiro, who was live in New York today to do a SiriusXM Town Hall hosted by the Savior of SiriusXM Satellite Radio Andy Cohen.

Robert DeNiro and some of the cast members are plugging their movie "The Alto Knights" [not to be confused with the mint candy club Altoids Knights, hahaha].

The film is set in 1950s New York, with DeNiro portraying BOTH rival Italian-American mafia bosses Frank Costello and Vito Genovese wearing masks, wigs, and prosthetics and camera trickery to pull off playing both characters. This seems to be the trend nowadays in movies, like with Bradley Cooper's fake nose and wig playing Leonard Bernstein and Timothée Chalamet's fake nose and wig playing Bob Dylan.

So, will the Great American Knightmare Howard Stern score an interview with DeNiro? Well, who knows because Howard is not on the air pretending he is too famous and popular to host the Town Hall when he was snubbed in the first place.

Plus, Howard escaped from New York as blogged about already [Ref: BFP March 11 & 13, 2025], so Howard is not there to snag anyone at the SiriusXM HQ in NYC. He is shelved in Florida and would have to stay at his private penthouse suite at his hotel to actually show up at the SiriusXM Miami studios to interview any famous person who happens to troll through Miami which is mostly no one.

Savior of SiriusXM Andy Cohen hosted a major Town Hall today 
with Robert DeNiro while Howard runs and hides from 
being snubbed to host the event.

Beth Back at Pig Beach

In 2019, as exclusively blogged about, the Horninskys got a free trip to Tulum, Mexico, because the resort wants celebrity publicity to promote that place with the gale force winds with pig poop all over that beach due to the free range feral pigs.

So, here we go with Howard and Beth Buttinsky in Tulum, Mexico, again this past weekend as a plus-one couple with Jimmy and Molly Kimmel who were invited to Justin Theroux's wedding. Howard and Beth always do the group vacations horning in on accomodations already paid for which is why celebs try to avoid them at all costs because it will cost you to put up with Howard Horninsky and Beth Buttinsky who love to grift off resorts offering freebies in exchange for publicity.

Pictured here from this past weekend are the Stillers and the Kimmels
at the Justin Theroux wedding in Tulum, Mexico.

Beth will always hide her wide body and fat legs
under a gigantic long dress with skewed camera angles 

In December 2019, Beth got a giant free trip to Tulum, Mexico,
and their feral pig resort because Howard got it featured in Closer
magazine. See the 3-14-2020 Beth Fan Page blog entry for
that report.

Big Beth Gala Held in June Again

As exclusively blogged about last year, the Beth Gala held by the North Shore Animal League where Beth is praised as their useless spokesperson and board member, has been moved to the Spring instead of being held in the Fall like it had been for years prior to last year. Beth was having a tough time getting any celebs to show up as it is because they all skated out of New York in November and December so it was moved to June hoping for a better turn out.

This year Andy Cohen is participating in the event apparently donating tickets to his Bravo TV show "Watch What Happens Live" as part of their auction to raise funds to pay for Beth's salary and for the President and other executives' salaries for another year.

The Beth NSAL Gala will be held on June 12, 2025. One of the musical
performers will be Hank Azaria and his Bruce Springsteen tribute band. One
wonders if Howard will snag him as a guest on his satellite radio show
because Hank knew the now deceased Gene Hackman when they did
the movie "The Birdcage".

Andy Cohen was tagged by Howard Stern to donate tickets to his
TV show as part of the auction to raise funds for NSAL. There are more
corporate donors not pictured here that will be participating in the auction.

As usual, in the NSAL promo ads, they used a photo of Beth from last
year's Beth Gala because it's already airbrushed and photoshopped to
hell so there is no need to have her pose for any new photos.

#dawgshed #howardstern #robertdeniro #andycohen #radioandy
#beth #bethstern #betho #debramessing #altoknights #knights
#greatamericannightmare #tulum #mexico #kimmel #stiller

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Ga Ga Gone 😯

As exclusively blogged about numerous times, most of Howard Stern's interviews are pre-taped and doled out when Howard is on the air hitting buttons on his control panel since he does get a paycheck for being his own engineer. 

SiriusXM mainly does this for the Stern show because he batches all his in-studio shows together, normally taping everything in about 2 and a half days, especially now because Howard's hardly in Manhattan anymore since moving out of his apartments as blogged about exclusively on the March 11, 2025 Beth Fan Page. It was no secret the Sterns were having their Manhattan apartments renovated and on the sales market following the death of Howard's beloved long-time companion Ralph Cirella. There was no reason for Howard to keep those Manhattan apartments anymore, especially since Howard's parents have vacated the area and are now bickering in heaven. Now Howard can focus on financing his own private island.

But Lady Gaga's appearance was no different from other celebrity pre-taped interviews on the Stern show. It was taped ahead of time and aired as if it were a live show. Howard slipped up by admitting she was there in the studio 'last night' for a soundcheck which would have been Monday night, March 10. Robin Quivers checks Howard on this asking if he heard it and he had to clarify that he was not there at the studio, but he heard about the soundcheck. So the segment was probably taped the night of March 10 and it aired on the 11th. Read all about it in the transcribed excerpts referencing the Lady Gaga segment on the March 11, 2025 Beth Fan Page blog entry. 

Lady Gaga was seen in NYC on March 8 after her SNL
appearance. She is holding Pip the Mouse in a glass box.

Here's the transcribed excerpts from the
March 12, 2025 Stern show. As  usual, we
start out with a Virulent Beth cartoon that
is an original comic series originated by the
famous Dame Beth-Man.

#dawgshed #becomingledzeppelin #howardsternbecomesnothing
#bethostern #manhattan #manhattanmancaveisgonebabygone
#jimmypage #robertplant #bonzo #jonesy #ladygaga