Friday, July 31, 2015

Menopausal Pin-Up Pudge

Beth O'Stern is so proud of her stupid photos taken by Howard Stern. This time, she stated on her Instagram site that her upcoming cover for "Social Life" magazine was printed in the NY Post, and she just released a crotch shot on Instagram claiming it's a photo of her blind foster cat and that she got another book deal to now market that blind cat and use it for publicity in another bid to make her famous. 

I guess we see where Bethie's publicity budget is going, she has had to skip out on several Hamptons events over the past few years yet had to purchase a book about herself adopting a purebred Persian cat, plagiarizing its name by calling it Yoda from the Star Wars movies, and she threw the cat into a room and called it charity work. Wow, there's a lesson there, folks. It's called the playbook of Howard Stern who married an old fug who was a failed plus size model and he tries to palm her off onto the public as anything else. Oh, he thought we wouldn't notice she was never in Sports Illustrated, GQ, Vogue, all the mainstream magazines for hot girls when all he got was a hot potato.

Photo from Beth's Instagram
showing off her STUBBY SHORT
legs and her fug crotch shot and
she thinks it's a photo of a cat. Will
blind cats make Beth famous?
Will Beth's crotch make her famous? Well it worked with Howard Stern as we wonder what is going on down there. Keep up this animal merry-go-round Howard, you have failed in making your pudgy pin-up girl a star, she is a failed fug latching onto dying and disabled cats to make herself famous. What happened to your building extension Beth, for homeless cats? What have you done with all the money so far? Did it go to the North Shore Animal League (NSAL) or to buying a house in Florida? Oh, it went to writing two books, the first one about Yoda the cat with the phony heart condition and now a book exploiting a blind cat. 

Beth's Instagram photos should
come with a warning. Please do not
strangle a blind kitten. Where are
Beth's handlers?  Are they stupid?
Well, they continue to document
her wacky behaviour and no one

stops this woman from
molesting animals.
While Beth was trying for an Oscar nomination for her performance as a phony camera hog crying over a cat, she seems to be forgetting she is supposed to be spearheading a fundraiser to build an addition to an existing building at NSAL to house kittens snatched from local municipal animal shelters before they are adopted leaving the grown animals behind for the gas chamber. NSAL needs the dough, they are getting stuck with grown cats and dogs that will soon be shipped out the back door due to overcrowding issues and will dump them back onto the local county facilities. Beth has been badgering the public to give her 7 million dollars [sometimes 8 million depending upon the interview and what she blurts out at the moment] for about three years.

In Howard's photo of Beth that was in the NY Post, he tried to cover up Beth's giant football head with a bucket and failed to completely photoshop her fat ass and enormous lumpy thighs. He did stretch out her weird stubby legs to make them look long in the photo, as she appears to be standing with photoshopped bent legs in the phony sand at Stalag Beth in the Hamptons housing a bunch of captured kitten photo props. 
Howard's fans [consisting of daddies in group homes on lockdown after attacking fatties waiting for a bus], love his menopausal pin-up pudge model.

Readers of this blog already knew Howard was out on the town with his eldest daughter, the High Priestess and spiritual leader of Daddy Stern [blog entry dated July 28, 2015] before Howard talked about it on Wednesday's satellite radio show. But it was also a deflection that he was snubbed when King Cruise was in town promoting his latest Mission Impossible film. Howard only got into that moron screening in the Hamptons with zero stars from the film showing up. So Howard came up with some gay summer camp group to talk about how famous he is and to show them blurry iPhone photos of his pudgy wife. But this bizarre relationship he has with his oldest daughter is a long standing routine when he might be spotted in the Village with a vague looking partner who is not Beth and he needs a cover story

The Marshall Chess Club where
we love seeing all the senior
males in costumes dressed as

chess pieces.
Howard used to parade to the Marshall chess club with his eldest daughter where he ogled the boys playing chess as he sat with the Grand Master and everyone thought he was with Beth. This was around the time Howard interviewed Dr. Keith Ablow on his radio show with Beth. The interview consisted of general praising of the prize bitch Beth and that Beth didn't like her Queen playing with the knights at the chess club. An online chess blogger [Jim West] stated on his blog that he saw Howard at the club with Beth. A commenter to the blog corrected him and stated that Howard was with a brunette woman and it was his daughter, not Beth. We still do not know if the brunette was in fact Howard's daughter or Beth in one of her costumes and a wig. You know, Beth had her pick of celebs who didn't play chess. That's why Howard quit chess, he didn't want to lose her. Beth was wealthy before she met Howard and has the costumes, handcuffs, and extortion letters to prove it.

Does Suri look like daddy? Some say she is from the Cruise gene pool but is more like a cousin instead of a daughter. 
Suri's got great fashion sense and style. Too bad her stylist is not available to help Big Beth but I am sure her clients are under size "Fat Loser".

In a photo from a few years ago, John Travolta was out with his daughter who movie producers wanted to make a star until they found out she was more like her deceased brother. Poor girl doesn't have a brain in her head according to Internet gossip which is my job to repeat. She's got her dad's beautiful hair, but now the dad doesn't have his own beautiful hair unless it's glued on.

Alyssa Milano is out and about signing her graphic novel about Internet hackers and various articles are praising her latest work co-written by real writers that needed her dough and name to finance it and get it some press and attention.
Alyssa Milano with real writers promoting
their book "Hacktivist Vol. 2 #1".
Miss Charmed used to fight like hell with
her co-star Shannon Doherty. 

Pretty funny that in connection with her book, a few online articles mentioned the recent hacking of that dating site for people who are married and in the closet, Ashley-Madison, where it has been reported most of their "customers" are shills to crowd the database to fool unsuspecting idiots in closets to join with high hopes of having some fun with others who enjoy some closet rope tying. Oh, then the hacking, how convenient. 


Did Beth post this photo I sent her for #ThrowbackThursday? Remember when she tried to copy Heidi Klum and instead looked like a menopausal slow adult with a pathetic hausfrau body who is going bald?

Mr. Anonymous sent me a test shot that Howard did for Playboy magazine when Howard discovered Beth circa 1996. The story behind the photo is that Howard discovered Beth when she knocked on his penthouse door. When Howard opened the door she asked if he was Howard Stern and if he ordered a tall blonde who's stupid. Howard said, yes, but said she is wearing 7 inch heels and is too fat. Beth said, well, you asked for a Tuesday early bird discount and you get what you pay for, and you never mentioned there was a weight limit [thus the genesis of his radio bit when he moved to satellite called "Beth Tuesday". Since this blogger exposed that, he basically stopped doing Beth Tuesday and tries to mix it up a bit]. Howard said, well at least you're stupid and will sign anything, right? Beth said, right, but my devout Catholic mother is my pimp, and I have to call her after we pretend to have sex. 

Censored for PG-13 readers.
Howard thought about it and said, hey, let me take a few test shots of you topless and send them to Playboy. Hugh Hefner is a personal friend of mine, I can make you famous if I decide to purchase your contract. Beth said sure and Howard escorted the escort into a private room filled with cameras, lights, and not much action. Shortly afterwards, Beth said thanks, collected her $195.88 plus tip, and headed back to the local Chinese take-out restaurant with a back room filled with appetizers of all shapes, sizes and prices.

Photo from GQ magazine 2002 when Heidi Klum posed like Sharon Stone from the movie, Basic Instinct. Oh, Beth is like Sharon Stone too, as in sinking like a stone for 15 years of Howard trying to make the fug faced nobody into a model.

1 comment:

  1. Love the side-by-side photos of Beth and supermodel Heidi Klum. Good thing Beth doesn't know how to spell "no comparison."
